Indoor Maybe I was expecting too much... anyway, onward and forward!

Ok, this will be my last post here…get a dang RO filter and stop this madness bro. Stop testing for this and worrying about that. Get the filter, and forget ph, forget about chemicals, no more testing runoff(never need to do that unless your running DWC), just get the lousy filter and you can end this madness. Not what you think you will accomplish. Save yourself the headaches.
Sorry to be so blunt, but it seems mad to do all you are doing when it’s all solved with a $50 filter. I also have water issues, but don’t give a rats ass what it is, cause I solved it with a filter.
Good luck. 👍
hahaha blunt is fine... no offense taken.
I’ll have to look around I have missed part of the conversation but what soil and nutes have you used?
no nutes on this grow as yet... this soil is a 40lr pack from the local praxis, mixed with perlite and coco coir.

not gonna worry about this one now, just work to find the issue, for my own peace of mind, then decide where to go, what to do, maybe look forward to start a new one at a later date... also have the failed autos out on the balcony 3 of which seem to be picking up, if they make it through March, maybe I will play with some STS and make a gazillion seeds. Nothing tried nothing gained I guess. All is not lost.:baked:
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hahahahahah well bugger me sideways.... this just gets better by the day.
So here we go again, more fun...
When I opened this bag of soil I noted some fungus/mycelium and was wondering if its good or bad stuff


the results are in!
No Idea what the hell they are are but they do not look like I will be putting them in an omelette. the good thing is, as far as I remember shrooms of most types prefer a 6-6.5 ish ph level so i guess flushing the pots may have done some good.

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back on the road to growth i think
Pretty sure the flush worked out, the plants look much happier and appear to have started growing again.
The failed Auto's on the balcony have been cold the last few days and nights and are still rain soaked to the point of drowning... ah well, what will be will be.

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moving forward again.
things are looking up, flush seems to have worked well, reducing ph and aerating the water for chlo
rine evaporation seemed to have done the trick, also the 4 backup seeds have all sprouted, ( a bit of a panic plant really, still better safe than sorry)
Always surprised at how fast these plants can bounce back.
The 4 Blonde Russian ladies have bounced back quite well, dropping the ph to 6.3-6.6 +/- and aerating the water for a couple days seems to have cleared the problems, I am pretty sure it was ph issues rather than chlorine, but will continue to aerate because, well, why not.
pic's in order:
the full view, side view, each plant

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I also have the gubbins to mix up some STS,

1st need to make sure the scale is calibrated, working and level, then see how well I can get the measures sorted. This is all new to me, being a heavy handed kind of guy, working with small measures isnt really my thing.
BUT, well, why not...

The three "very hardy auto's" out on the balcony are around 6 weeks old now, the cold, rain and lack of direct sunlight has very obviously held them back, no signs of Autoflowering as yet, the others from these seeds were flowering quite obviously @ six weeks when grown in the tent, Gorilla cookies from Dutch headshop ( private label) they are so hardy and tough they should be called "ships biscuits" you know rock hard... anyways.

the plan: if the scale is good enough. it should work down to 0.001, but, well, you know...

Mixing Stock Solution "A"

Fill your 50ml measuring cup with 50ml of distilled water
Measure out .05g of Silver Nitrate
Mix the silver nitrate powder into the 50ml of distilled water
in a brown glass bottle and seal tightly
Label the bottle

Mixing Stock Solution "B"

Fill the 50ml container with 50ml of distilled water
Measure out 0.39g of sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate
Mix the sodium thiosulfate with the 50ml of distilled water
in a brown glass bottle and seal it tightly
Label the bottle

Measure 5ml of stock solution "B"
Measure 5ml of stock solution "A"
mix with 90ml distilled water, and a little surfacant,
test for application spread on a leaf. add more surfacant if required.
pick a plant and give it a damn good spray, take it from there.

but, The plans of mice and men and all that jazz.
well that all went easy enough...
mixed up some STS spray... scales seemed to be very accurate, my heavy handedness wasnt an issue.
cleaned everything like a demon between what will be will be.
pic in order:
calibration, all the bits, initial mix, sts mix ( yes, i made sure all the powder and crystals were fully dissolved) I made a small amount cos I only have one plant to force over, maybe two if the first one fails...

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I think its fair to say that that was much easier than I expected, everything seems to have worked out well, now to choose a plant.

which of these tough little plants to choose from:
Alice (soon to be Adam), Brenda, Candice
decided to use Alice as she is on a different balcony.

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They are all Gorilla Cookies, and all hardy little buggers, came through toxic soil, weeks of cold and rain, no care, no attention, so they have that going for them.
I understand that I should choose great plants for creating seeds, but here is the thing, TESTING! testing STS mix and ratio, testing plants... testing me...
I still have a couple of GC seeds that I can run in the tent later, give them better conditions and see how they run out being forced into male and seeding... so I will look at this as a test bed.
The white coat sciency bit is done, now I need to colour up the thumbs to a nice shade of green and see what happens, I was hoping for some better weather so the plants could get a spurt on and start picking up, but the weather will do what it do.
At least its getting a bit warmer.

scales and bottles from amazon
silver and sodium

Sunday 17-03 topped 3 of the Blonde Russian ladies, the fourth is a self topper so I it be, training should begin in a few days.

Also gave Adam/Alice another spray just on the nodes, its raining on and off and he/she is on the balcony, I guess thats going to wash off some of the residue so not going to be great for the silver to be getting absorbed and pumped though the plant
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topping seemed to have gone without repercussions, plants are beginnning to look healthy
No problems after topping, Plants are fully recovered from the shitty water and back on track, possibly a week or two behind what was expected, but looking quite healthy.

top view, front view, self topper the sisters.

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I had best clean the training mesh I think, I am expecting to start training and tucking soon.

Poured with rain again yesterday and over night, the Auto's on the balcony are not having a good time, been hardy little buggers is one thing, surviving being drowned on a regular basis is quite another.
suddenly growing like hell, happy days.
I swear they seem to have doubled in size in 24hrs... grown up into the light and got a little light burn on the tips of the tallest girl, so I raised the lamp.

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this one is my control for the water issues, she has been getting aerated/standing dechlorinated water, but not ph controled ph is currently around 8.3 from the tap. So I am pretty sure its more ph than chlorine.

The GC auto on the front balcony had another spray today, because, well it rained again.... and barely gets enough sun light to keep a mouse alive.
the sts spray doesnt seem to have affected the preflower, I believe it should have turned brown within a couple of days????
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