Nice work bro,
They look sweet, what sort of height and width are they getting now..? I really dont wanna lst mine after seeing yours, the main cola's are looking massive..
Keep up the good work.. Looks like youve by soil growing down to a T..
Thanks for the props p.l.u.r.
They have all stoped growing in height a week or so ago. tallest is 1.4meters smallest was 6 inches average is about 1.1meter.
The fattest cola is about 3inches in width but getting ALOT fatter every day. (really gonna half to start watching for mould there getting that big).
Not sure if you can class Coco coir + perlite as soil , but it is easy! As long as you have 4 major factors (heat , light , soil , nutes) pretty much dialed in , then the its all in the plants and genes.
I've defo had enough of "soil" growing already , i hate the mess and waste soil you have to dispose of after. Bring on my oxy pots