Maybe a single spread sheet as a comparison spec sheet with all your lights specs in one place so you don't have to flip back and forth through individual pages?
Yeah, great suggestions! We will upgrade the website soon, there will be the function that growers can download the relative files(manuals, specifications, etc), more convenient.
Growers, Happy weekend, and all have a great August :love:


Mars Hydro FC series lights (Folding Commerical) - Samsung lm301b &Osram diodes, love!
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My SSSC Auto Creeper, Seedstockers Cookies and Cream (right)and Female Seeds Auto Kush (front) in a 1.5m x 1m under 2 x TS1000. I have the TS600 which I'll be using to germ the next batch. Journal coming here soon!

Very cool new light. Gonna check them out. On another note not sure where u got your information but there is a difference between the 301b and the 301h. There was a rumor going around that a Samsung rep made that statement but that is false. There is improvements in efficiency and light output as clearly shown on Samsung’s website. Unless that has been changed since the last time I looked. The whole China not able to buy the 301h I have no info on though.