Indoor Mars Hydro grow journal: WildBill does Hubbabubbasmelloscope in EarthBoxes under MarsHydro SP3000

I had two, but one tip came off. The other I have left has a pretty thick probe, but it will also give you a rough idea of the Ph also.
Fully watering the pot and checking the weight and remembering that weight is really the best method to determine when to water.
Here's the probe.
Yeah, it'll get pretty busy pretty quick in the EBs.
Amazon product ASIN B00NTPVHOG
WB, are you using a soil moisture probe? Do you have any recommendations for one?

I’m excited to see how your transplants go, I think they will take off once you transplant to your EB’s.
:yay:TRANSPLANT DAY!!:yay:
So I took a close look at all the girls after they woke up like I normally do. I pick up the solo cup of Kong and pull the cups apart to take a look at the roots. I can see several and they are trying to get out of the first cup. All the others are the same. I know it's good enough root development to transplant the SS and Kong, since they are going in the 7gal pots. Looking at the leaf and root development, I felt the HBSS Girls could deal with the moisture of the EB.

I sprinkled mikos on the roots and holes and put them all back in exactly as I pulled each one out and very lightly water around the cup to settle the media a bit.

I topped off the EB's rez and got about half a cup run off. For S&Gs, I checked the run off and it was 6.8. Not bad after about 15 days. You can see the white tray I found to catch the run off at Wally World last week. Wicking is working great and the Bokashi is working great and the mat is spreading nicely. Worms are alive and busy. I think I'm gonna throw a avocado half in each EB a few inches from each seedling for the worm.

I'll make up some Recharge or compost tea for the 7gal pots when they need some water the next time.

The new humidifier is well integrated and working great in the tent.

Both lights are still high, but the SP3000 is now at 75%.

Temps on cycle are running 78-81*F

Temps off cycle are 70-72*F

Humidity runs 75-82%

Note: The color is showing up too light. They are all nice and green.

Note the spots on the first set of leaves. That's from her using too much energy shooting up before I got the lights off the minimum power and she didn't have enough root developed to uptake enough nutes once I turned up the lights to 50%. It probably would have been the same at 25%.

Not as bad as the other, just a little behind the other in leaf development. Leaves are still a little funky from the helmet head.

ROCBUD PURPLE KONG Just chugging along with nice leaf development.

Mephisto Sour Stomper
Chugging along recovering from helmet head also.

Tent layout

The main stem on all the girls are thickening up nicely from the sill ass stretch, but still need more. I'm not gonna do that bit of silliness again! LOL!
I forgot to add that I still have my exhaust fan on the lowest setting and I have a circ fan running, but not on oscillate. Their main stems are still too thin. They do get slightly ruffled though.
Quality of the air is important. With no CO2 currently running, Checking on your girls a few times a day is important to bring in fresh air and with you being there, the CO2 levels go up. Checking multiple times a day also gives you a chance to find possible problems early.
All four girls have now needed help standing up because of the silly stretch. I had to use a bread tie on the Sour Stomper this morning. Good thing the other girls are getting thicker and more stiff. At least they have slowed the going up. Leaves are developing at a very nice rate though.

I moved the humidifier to outside the tent. With it being an ultrasonic, the mist it makes just seemed to me to be too 'heavy'. Maybe it's just my perception. but this morning, the air in the tent seemed and felt more 'natural. '........not 'heavy'. That's the best way I can explain it. It's not backed by science, just a feeling.

Kong is still impressing me with her vigor. Perfectly forming green leaves with no signs of stress. The Oldest HBSS is doing well and new leaves are perfect. The very light splotches on the leaves have not progressed in any fashion. The other HBSS still has mutant leaves. LOL! Hopefully she outgrows it with the next set of leaves, but she is looking strong.

Moving the humidifier also helped make things less complicated. I don't have to remember to make sure it has enough water before the lights go off. That’s good when you're high!:baked: :funny: :funny:

Since I can't do anything to them at the moment, I'm going to get some chocolate at the store and make some little canna chocolate bites with my silicone molds. Hopefully I won't make a huge mess! :funny:
My neighbor LOVED my brownies!
I like this time of the grow, despite being a worrisome time with seedlings. I like to closely observe the rapid early development of the seedling.

I don't know the proper botanical term, I like to closely look at the center point of where the leaves emerge. It's just plain fascinating the difference a few hours make. The only other time you can actually see that rapid of a change is the time after a set of LST. Yeah, you think you can see a growth change during the stretch, but it's just a perception. You can't actually pinpoint a particular point of growth.


Moving the humidifier to the lung room outside the tent has stabilized the humidity and let my temp come up 2 degrees. By having it inside, it was getting a cooling effect from latent heat of vaporization. This allows me to reduce whole house heating and almost no grow room heat.

Always tweaking!:smoking:...........and I'm not talking about South Park or meth use! :cools:

Tomorrow I'll start compost tea for the 7gal pots for their first watering. The transplants in the EBs are doing great with their increased moisture content medial, so the others should be fine with a proper watering.

I'll brew the simple compost with a teaspoon of kelp for 24hrs. I'll blend a little bit of malted barley and add it to the tea along with a dose of Recharge and brew for 4 more hours. Just before pulling the brew, I'm gonna add a tiny bit of Yucca powder. I think I'm gonna make yucca a regular part of watering the regular pots. I really think adding yucca becomes more important the smaller of a pot you go.

Here are the girls. You guys may not see a difference, but I duz. :smoking:

Temp 82*F RH 62%

Sour Stomper......bottom

Whew!!! Combining GG#4 and Gelato 33 is kicking my ass!!!!!!:dizzy::baked:
I'll probably have to move it outside the tent later in the grow for the room. The room is small enough to do that.
I wish they hadn't got so tall so quick. I guess I should have brought up the lights quicker. I had it at min. for a couple of days.
I guess I'll get both lights positioned, higher up from optimal veg height, but at 50%. I think I'll turn on the little Cali light too, but up high. I could use the heat and back off the temp on the oil filled heater outside the tent.
I don't think it will be too much light. What ya think?

edit...............and put them on 18/6 at 1800 today

Looking at the amount of stretch you have got i would definitely move it down! I start at 30" and seem to be fine with my 315cmh or skyline800

Subbed for the ride
Looking at the amount of stretch you have got i would definitely move it down! I start at 30" and seem to be fine with my 315cmh or skyline800

Subbed for the ride
Looking at the amount of stretch you have got i would definitely move it down! I start at 30" and seem to be fine with my 315cmh or skyline800

Subbed for the ride
I appreciate the input man! :thumbsup:
That silly stretch was totally my fault and occurred the first three days because my dumb ass had the light on the lowest setting and letting them sit in the tray with the dome too long before turning up the lights.
The main light is now at 75% and much lower. and the other isn't dimmable. With that big of a stretch at that age, the plant spent too much of the energy stored in the seed was used growing up vs growing the roots. That made it easy to overtax the underdeveloped root system with giving the leaves too much light. The upper left HBSS responded with some spots on the leaves where the plant was pulling nutes from the leaves because the roots couldn't supply enough.
They are getting ready to take off. They are getting more sturdy with the fan blowing on them. With the leaves getting bigger, the fan is putting more stress. Hopefully the main stems will hurry up and thicken faster and I don't end up with some umbrellas in a hurricane. LOL Don't think that will happen with their rate of stiffening up.