Indoor Mars Hydro grow journal: WildBill does Hubbabubbasmelloscope in EarthBoxes under MarsHydro SP3000

Those are some seriously impressive plants I don't know when I missed the explosion I thought they were big the last time I looked in my goodness. Very impressive.
To be honest, I'm surprised how well they are doing with the crap I caused by following EB's recs on dolomite.

I extended the girls light schedule slightly to do the work I wanted to do on them.
Here's how they sat at lights out today.




Making canna juice.
Pretty simple. Just blend fully, but don't let it heat up too much. A Faberware strainer from WallyWorld works great for straining with a little clip of sorts to keep it in place. Stir the material in the strainer with a bamboo stake to get the juice out quicker.
I pull back the cardboard and the cabbage and spread out the veg matter and cover back up with fresh cabbage leaves. The cabbage is just for keeping the material moist and veg matter for the worms. Just putting the cardboard back works fine too. The worms LOVE it and it goes very quickly!

I pulled back the old straw on the girls and roughed up the top media. I added a little bit of compost and a handful of bokashi on top of it all.
I combined the compost tea with Boost and the canna juice and then applied it to the top of the media, then replaced the straw and added a bit of fresh. I wetted it all down with plain water. It was only just over 1/2 gal each, so it shouldn't upset the EB wicking moisture level.
I replace the last avacado and added another one for the worms.
That will be the last amendments for this run. I do think the canna juice adds valuable nutes and hormones and it should be readily available very quickly, especially with the Boost. With the way both are packing on the buds, this should help them finish out hard.
I can't get over how chunky they look at this stage. With all the natural feed I bet the flowers are going to be soo tasty. Everytime I pop in on this thread I learn a bit more about organic food for the plants or something else. You definitely have a wealth of valuable knowledge. I very much respect your experience and wisdom with organics and compost. The plants seem to as well. :smoking: :toke::cheers:
I can't get over how chunky they look at this stage. With all the natural feed I bet the flowers are going to be soo tasty. Everytime I pop in on this thread I learn a bit more about organic food for the plants or something else. You definitely have a wealth of valuable knowledge. I very much respect your experience and wisdom with organics and compost. The plants seem to as well. :smoking: :toke::cheers:
Thanks man!

It's still quite the learning curve growing indoors and in a container. I'm trying things I've learned over the years and adapting it to canna. I'm enjoying the challenge. After the dolomite issue popped up, I really didn't expect much from them.
The only thing that I figured would help the situation would be to increase the biological activity, add material that would help with moderating the media and adding material where it could be reasonably available relatively quickly. Time is key in organics to make nutes available to the plant, but there are things you can do to quicken things a bit. Hopefully what I've done will allow them to finish out well.
Still too damn cold in the shop, so let's update a bit.
DAY 82...............YEP......gonna run a little long.

Pretty good size colas developing. Tops are filling in well, hopefully they'll fill in below. If they keep trucking along, should be a good amount of canna.


Now notice the difference in the small HBSS in her cola formation, namely how the top looks. Aside from the discolored leaves, I suspect this is the "normal" bud formation for this strain. I think the big girl is sorta more fox-tailish in her bud formation....if ya get what I mean.

LOL! I don't expect either to be a joy to trim. Hopefully in a later grow, I can see for myself a more typical bud formation for this strain.
And yep, the buds are getting color.


If I don't get in on the Haze test grow, I think I'll plant another girl in an outdoor EarthBox. Either way, I'll grow something outside as a test. I have some other beans that could be a good outdoor big girl. I may not have enough direct light to get a huge girl, but big enough I suspect.

Anyways..................these girls just smell so damn nice and so damn resinous.

Naaaaaa.............Only wet trim for me from now. I just liked it better. I'd also just rather have fresh frozen with the trim. I think wet trimmed buds look better once dried. I'm just gonna trim up Kong sometime to morrow and finish out in paper bags.
Stomper's buds turned out pretty dense and no larf.
LOL! I took a little vape test. Ok...........I got stomped! :funny: :funny: :baked:
I just couldn't resist the sticky!!!! It's a pretty hard hitter. I started watching Young Sheldon on dvr while trimming. Finished trimming and the show, jarred up the buds and stored them. I realized I didn't take any pics about an hour later...except for one bud I took to send to my vet friend.
