Indoor Mars Hydro grow journal: WildBill does Hubbabubbasmelloscope in EarthBoxes under MarsHydro SP3000

Please throw out your two cents!!

Kong is chopped, so it's just the HBSS . I was just looking very closely at them. They are INSANELY thick with foliage! I can't part the foliage and see the media. hands stink fer an hour!
I do have my exhaust fan set pretty high and two clip-ons on high, so there is very good and fresh airflow.
They are packing on the buds like crazy! I don't want to stall that growth by defol at this point in flower. I also don't want to make the ongoing issue worse.
On the big girl. at the very bottom of the canopy, the foliage is small and fine and a shade lighter. I really don't think they are contributing much.
The little HBSS is MUCH more stiff and stocky, so it's too difficult to check the undergrowth like the big girl. I'll have to pull her out to get close enough to check.
Could removing the fan leaves make the current issue worse?
Would the defol slow bud fattening by a large margin?

Now that Kong is gone, I can center the Earthboxes, but that will only help the fore and aft ends. There is no room on the sides or between them.
personally I never like to hack up a plant too much at one time...I would start slow and maybe stretch the defoliation out over a few days?

but I would also LITFA if I thought I could get away with it
personally I never like to hack up a plant too much at one time...I would start slow and maybe stretch the defoliation out over a few days?

but I would also LITFA if I thought I could get away with it
I'd rather give her a good dose of LITFA, but both need attention pretty bad.




Well, that's done!!

Yeah, it was needed pretty badly. I just cleaned up the lower canopy and removed some spindly stems. Then, looking from the top, I pulled major colas aside and removed old dead and dying fan leaves between the colas. It was a good amount, but I don't think overly hard on the girls.
Since I now have more room fore and aft, I soft wired a few colas to open up things a bit more.
The big HBSS emptied the rez in less than 48 hours. The amount of buds on her supports that amount of water usage. If both run another two weeks, there will be quite a bit of canna.
I sure as hell can't go anywhere at the moment! It's crazy how damn sticky and stinky I am! If I got pulled over, I'd knock the cop over when I rolled down the window! LOL!
Worms in the bin will get fed tomorrow and the girls will get fed some tea and the fresh juice from the defol.

Not super evident in the pics, but they are opened up quite nicely.
DAY 77
Yowza! Nice work wild man.
Thanks man!
No harm visible today and both are praying. Filled the little one's rez.
I am running the VPD pretty high at 1.5-1.6kPa. I could really tell it yesterday when trimming. It was like the plant had some sort of vascular pressure going on. "Sap" would instantly pop out from the cut.
Just guessing, today's compost tea and canna juice should be the last "feeding" of sorts that both will get............well other than the avacado bomb and a little EWC I'll add today. It won't really go to waste with me recycling my media.
Speaking of media, the "new" (two months old) media I'm cooking has a pretty good mat going on. I saw some worms eating on it yesterday. In my recycle bin, the compost mites from my worm bin are devouring the mat that was growing there. I'm gonna add some EWC from my worm bin to the "new" bin. That should also intro some of the microbes and compost mites. My activated EM1 is not finished yet, so I'll just add any leftover compost tea from feeding the girls. and add some more bokoshi and chicken crumble and get another mat growing after mixing things up.

Just checked Stomper in the WildBill's Canna Drying Box and the fan leaves stems are still flexible. I didn't think it would go this slow, but I'm happy that it is.
Girls are loving the light and the defol seems to have not harmed them. Buds are changing daily with fattening up and filling in.
I'm looking forward to growing this girl in an EarthBox with no issues. With no issues from sillyass dolomite, there's no reason this can't be a one pound girl!
Those are some seriously impressive plants I don't know when I missed the explosion I thought they were big the last time I looked in my goodness. Very impressive.