Finally, finished everything and letting the growroom stabilize about 5AM before I got some sleep.

Damn nerve pain decided to stop by and say hello!
Both EBs got the rez flushed. The slightly stinky girl got the EM1 at TeraGanix rec rate. I thought it best to try that and not waste a limited dose on the problem. I don't think there will be much uptake from 5AM to light's out at 11AM, although both girls were trying to pray at bit ago.
Yeah........two EBs with
big girls is just too much for a 4x4! LOL! Especially with two 7gal pots.
I should have been paying more attention to LST and defol even with the problem. BOTH were just a plain HOT MESS! I'm not letting that happen again!
Both girls now have a clean lower canopy. I flopped the girlspositions in an effort to help even them up with the sides getting a lot of reflected light. I have the bigger girl kinda cocked in the tent for more room and wait until the different branched point back up from LST and go from there. I did take off a fair amount of material, but tried to keep it minimal, but useful. Hopefully, with all the stress, they don't hermie with this additional stress. This did show me that the imbalance did hold the progress back quite a bit. The harder hit girl was very significantly smaller and less thick in the volume of plant mass. Good news is that both girl's buds are making trichs quite nicely. Once they get growing for a couple of days, I'll move the girls closer to each other. I wish I had the additional side poles in the tent to keep the sides from sucking in too much. They've been too hard to find, but Gorilla has finally got their production back up and bringing out new products.
So I can get a pan under the overflow, I did add some to the platform they sit on and took off the wheels. It ended up very slightly higher for the box.
Stomper and Kong are just plainly doing their thing. They are going to be small girls, but VERY productive. Just plain pretty!
The far end of the big girl not seen. A good example of reflected light. Note the darkness of the leaves that are older, but did go thru the discoloration.
If this helps the smaller girl, the other will get a treatment.
On a positive note, my worms now have some good food they go nuts over in their bin. I REALLY need to start another bin and harvest this one.