Indoor Mars Hydro grow journal: WildBill does Hubbabubbasmelloscope in EarthBoxes under MarsHydro SP3000

DAY 46
AVG VPD 1.17

I finally got my Recharge in so I could apply a full dose! Got a good bloom on the tea and then brewed for another 3 hrs with Boost. Thew the jar of malted barley under the sink and wrapped in a heating blanket. Got a nice sprout. Made a watery slurry in the blender and then strained out the solid matter. I added the liquid to the tea and then watered.

Took some of the solids and put in the shell of an old avocado and place one in each EB. This is for the worms. I also put a fresh ripe avocado in each EB, also for the worms.

Each HBSS got 1/2 gallon of tea at first and a quart that was left over from watering Stomper and Kong.

Stomper and Kong got 1/2 gallon of tea each top watered. and I did other things. I came back 30 min later and gave each another half gallon. No run off after 30 min, so I gave each another quart of plain water in the pan. They're still soaking it up.

Stomper and Kong have slowed their upwards growth and put that energy into the buds and bulking of the plant.
Kong's frost is developing very well. She's really bulking up plant wise. I'm liking her bud structure with the spacing. She's not going to have any problem in filling the spaces and form big ol' colas.


Stomper is going nuts with the frost. If she keeps this up, she should be a damn potent smoke. The harvested should be fully cured before the test run of Pinky Tuscadero. If she has good flavor and high, I'm gonna make some seeds and run my first Sea of Green. With this girl. it should be an easy grow.


I guess we'll see if a full dose of Recharge will make a difference in making her new growth green up somewhat, I'll take any improvement. The older growth, that was once lighter, is getting fully green. I don't really fully understand that, but I'll take it. If anyone has ideas, please post up.
Whatever is happening, these girls are growing like crazy! It's pretty tempting to defol a little on the under growth, but I've got the fans directed down. In a stoner moment, I managed to snake a lit stick incense into the lower canopy and the fans moved the smoke.:biggrin:

How damn tall would these girls be if I had let them grow naturally? No idea, but maybe the base of the stem can give ya some idea. :eek1:

Despise the problem, even the secondary branching is thickening and getting sturdy. I sure hope they keep that part up because there's gonna be a lot of colas sticking up. It will be a pain to string 'em all up, but I'll do it!

The right HBSS is still lagging behind the left, but it is what it is.
Hopefully in a few days, I can check the avocados and see some frolicking worms.

This is going to be a pretty full tent well before chop time!
Well, the treatment didn't kill 'em!:funny::funny:

Forgot to document pulling up the lights an inch last night.:toke: I just had to move them up again!

All girls are praying hard this morning:pimp:

I know it's only logical, but it's practical logic that anyone can see.. Both EBs got the same amount of tea last night. I topped off the rez on both EBs. The right HBSS, the smaller of the two, took just under 3/4 gal. The left HBSS took a full gallon. Yeah, bigger plants transpire more water! LOL!

They took the tea right up last night as the overflow color was unchanged from the filling.


Yep! They are staying alive! :funny: :funny: :toke:

Yeah, I've got to move up the lights again! HBSS did it.
HBSS little buds are developing very nicely and pretty easy to see day to day development. They could be slightly darker, but it could be me wanting to see it. Should know if it helped by Sat.

I kinda wish I had a tower fan to get some more airflow under the canopy. It's probably not needed and the incense really proved it. I don't have room anyway! LOL! Hopefully I'll see some improvement so I can feel better at cleaning up the under growth. I think either way it goes, by Sat or Sun, I'll need to do something.
To get the HBSS back on regular water schedule, I topped off the rez from this morning. They both took slightly less than a half-gallon.

Think I found the reason Stomper and Kong have slowed upwards growth and are mainly gaining bulk and bud. I noticed the same with the past with the first run at this point in the grow.
Earlier in this grow, the Mars SP3000 was high in the tent and all the girls were getting at least some of that light with the Old SolarFlare 220.
I finally found a spec sheet on it. It seems this "full spectrum" is more slanted towards the red end of the spectrum. While not the best. it has grown some pretty good canna and these two girls are making some good bud, just not optimal.
SolarFlare FullCycle 220 LED Grow Light spec sheet

Kong is showing some nice stacking and spacing.

As always, any input is welcomed and highly valued! Sure is nice to be on a forum where you can say that without any worry!:headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:

Whew!!!! This GG#4 is kicking my ass at the moment!!!!!!!!:baked:

DAY 47
AVG VPD 1.04

And that's what they're doing! I raised the SP3000 another inch to average about 22-23in above.
Topped off both Earthbox rez and the difference in amounts each took spread out a bit. The right HBSS took 1/2 gal and the left HBSS took a full gallon. No idea why the spread is that much more.
The left HBSS buds developing well with some nice spacing that should stack nicely. The right is just not as evident yet.



Let's see some pics in different light of Kong and Stomper.

Kong stacking up!

Frosty Stomper

This is the 5th node down for the top!:biggrin: :eyebrows:

Family pic
For clarification purposes, did u raise the lights due to growth or did u increase the distance?
For clarification purposes, did u raise the lights due to growth or did u increase the distance?
Because of upwards growth of HBSS. A side benefit is that Stomper and Kong may get a little of the SP3000.
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VPD got a little high at 1.29, but turned up the exhaust a little

Jeez! Moved the light up last night. I need to move some more this morning, but with less that 3hrs left on the light cycle, I'll just wait. It's mainly from the left HBSS.

It's good to wait anyway. Both HBSS will have to get some thinning out of the lower canopy. It has blown up like crazy the last few days. I really don't have much of a choice. It got that damn thick!............QUICK!
I'll have to pull all out of the tent except one HBSS to get to at everything. My poor back! LOL!

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Beasting! those are some large SIP plants! Your experience seems to be mirroring mine when it comes to growing in SIPs

I have had a similar issue with the yellowing of top/new growth progressing to spotting and leaf margin necrosis. you look like you have recovered well and stopped much of the progression

I found that despite the less than optimal conditions the plants still did very well and yield and quality were excellent and consistently above what I had been able to achieve with my previous fabric pot grows..however I can only imagine what would be possible if things were completely dialled in :eek1::eek1:...and that's what keeps me coming back!

Your thread has been great to follow along and has definitely helped me plan for my next SIP grow..well done!:jointman:
Beasting! those are some large SIP plants! Your experience seems to be mirroring mine when it comes to growing in SIPs

I have had a similar issue with the yellowing of top/new growth progressing to spotting and leaf margin necrosis. you look like you have recovered well and stopped much of the progression

I found that despite the less than optimal conditions the plants still did very well and yield and quality were excellent and consistently above what I had been able to achieve with my previous fabric pot grows..however I can only imagine what would be possible if things were completely dialled in :eek1::eek1:...and that's what keeps me coming back!

Your thread has been great to follow along and has definitely helped me plan for my next SIP grow..well done!:jointman:
Thanks man! I appreciate the input, especially the input on your grows with sips.

Yeah, like you, I wonder what it would have been like without the problem.

I do think the next grow with EBs I will cut back on the dolomite to 1/4 of EB's recommendation and figure out how much gypsum to add to get a total of half of what of the effect of the dolomite would do on it's own. ......if you guys get where I'm going with this.

I think erring on the side of a little too little of this particular element to the grow would be far easier to correct on the next run.
An interesting observation, I checked the girls just before lights out. Both HBSS seemed to be "ready" in their progress for the off period. They were still actively praying, just not as prominate when I checked this morning.
Hopefully that's a sign of health improvement.