Indoor Mars Hydro grow journal: WildBill does Hubbabubbasmelloscope in EarthBoxes under MarsHydro SP3000

Well, I'm thinking of dropping a whole new set of beans. I had a cousin over a couple of weeks ago and think he used my spray bottle, with a big black W on it, for something other than water and I never knew it. I rinsed it out and put fresh rain water in it. I didn't rinse it out extensively, since it has a big BLACK W on it, I only put WATER in it. After misting the starter lid for a while, I see water spots and then a slightly oily film. I can't really smell anything, but the film is there.

I don't want to take chances even if the girl "look" fine.


Well, at least my brownies ROCK!!!!!!!!
It was time to pull off the starter dome with the first HBSS almost touching it. All the girls look healthy.

Yesterday I harvested more worms with the help of an avocado. It's so easy just grab a big ball of nothing but feeding frenzy worms! LOL! They got divided up between the two EBs

Time to get the EBs fully ready for the girls! I have some compost that I used many years ago before I made my own. It's simple and effective. It's for feeding the worms. I mounded up the compost and misted the compost with some molasses water and then added the bokashi on top and wet that down. I left plenty of room for future additions.

Today, I fitted the covers, cut for the cups and replaced the cups with the girls. I was greeted by one of my worms at the bottom of one cup I replaced. I placed the cups with Kong and Sour Stomper in their 7gal pots.

Tent environment has been running very consistently at 79-82*F and 50-62% Rh.
Lights are high up, not at any measured height, but running at 50%
EBs are full of plain rainwater in the rez

The Girls
HBSS top 2
Kong on the left and Sour Stomper on the right at the bottom

Tent layout before covers

All Set Up!

This is the cheap little ultrasonic humidifier in the pic. It has three "speeds", but no humidistat. I can get a very stable Rh with my exhaust fan just barely running. I have a better unit coming in with better controls. If you need something in a pinch, you can make this unit work quite well in a 4x4. It can run over 8hs on "high".

Yeah, I've gotta get some shot glasses. My current collection is too special to use 'em like this. :cools:

I plan to transplant on Sat or Sunday to give the girls time to get their roots in order. By that time, the girls should be able to "Hit the pot running!"
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Like the looks of those Earth boxes!
With the Roots Organic media, the wicking is quite good and the soil moisture just friggin great. I'm happy about that. It should prove quite interesting. The active worms I saw really got me excited. I think I'm really gonna enjoy this grow.
The EBs are a little tippy. I thought I saw something about some outriggers for poles and think it widens the footprint, but I think it would get in the way. It's not bad, just something to be aware of.
I think I'll have enough room for my seed making without too much of a problem, but I'm pretty sure it's gonna get crowded in there. :eyebrows: