NEWS Marlboro to buy Cannabis Company

If you are a regulatory agency or an investor though, it makes perfect sense. The tobacco companies already have the network in place to market, distribute, and sell a highly regulated product. They also have deep enough pockets to get the smaller start ups off of the ground and into the kind of production full legalization would probably entail. The booze companies are in the same position and they too are dipping their toes in the cannabis market.

Remember, acceptance and legality is what we've wanted for 60+ years. The illegal market is huge and somebody is going to step in to fill it. Right now its being filled by the Mexican cartels, I'm pretty sure even the tobacco companies are better than that.
If you are a regulatory agency or an investor though, it makes perfect sense. The tobacco companies already have the network in place to market, distribute, and sell a highly regulated product. They also have deep enough pockets to get the smaller start ups off of the ground and into the kind of production full legalization would probably entail. The booze companies are in the same position and they too are dipping their toes in the cannabis market.

Remember, acceptance and legality is what we've wanted for 60+ years. The illegal market is huge and somebody is going to step in to fill it. Right now its being filled by the Mexican cartels, I'm pretty sure even the tobacco companies are better than that.
Not saying they would sell a bunch of cannabis, I sure they would. I am self sufficient and everyone could be with legalization that has nothing to do with tobacco companies. 1 of the reasons I grow is so I'm not buying from a "dealer" that gets their stuff from bad people. I dont make criminals rich. For that reason I feel it's my duty to grow! If we all could grow would be no need to buy from them. I am a big sports fan, but I dont want dirty players on my team to win. If i win its win honor. I dont want to sell my soul to the devil for legalization. I dont feel we need any help from them. Where have they been for past 81yrs? Now that we've knock the door down they want to come in and take over. NO THANK YOU! I see what you are saying, and a part of me would like any help we can get. You are judged by the company you keep as my dad use to tell me. If your trying to give cannabis a positive image I definitely wouldnt join forces with them.
I'm not saying they are good people or defending them, I'm just saying that 99.9% of users are not going to grow there own.

I'd love to see grocers or similar fill the void, but I doubt they want to be first in line.
Ya, I know some people wont want to, there will be other companies. I would support them over tobacco that's all. I dont blame anyone who wants to get in to the industry, only problem i have with them is they are liars. They put money over people's health, and that ain't ok. If they would have said hey this aren't good for you and they are very addictive then I wouldnt hold them to the coals. I dont trust what they say, and I dont want people to associate cannabis with tobacco. I have had people say to me that smoke causes cancer, not true it's the nicotine and formaldehyde and all the other shit they put in. So some already do. I dont think your a rep for them bud not hatin' lol. Just be careful what you wish for, you may just get it. I'm sure its irrelevant and they will be at the top in the end, money is what make the world go round. I just hope I dont see them on here.
They put money over people's health,

That is the entire cannabis industry at current state. Pathogen and mold testing, potency testing, etc, it's all a huge mess and no one really cares. Money money money!