Outdoor Maria's Spring Madness: SS Jack 47, Mandarin XL, Dark Devil, FB Green Crack, G14, C-4, DP AutoMazar

Sweet, Maria!

(Sounds like a song eh? [emoji23][emoji23])

They really couldn't have had a better start in life.. nice growing m'luv.. good luck with the critters!

Sweet Maria, Mother of Ganja! ;-)
Yes, a good start is important.

I was comparing with my last grow last year.
That was my first time with autos.
They also went outside around day 21 or so.
But they were so much smaller, like day 14 here.
They grew to about 70cm = 28" in tough conditions.
So here's hoping that these will really flourish.

Critters aren't usually too much of a problem.
Some crickets and leaf hoppers and stuff,
but nothing that will just chomp down the whole plant at once.

Here's hoping!
Looking superb so far maria!! Great growing so far!!

Thank you, Sir! :D
I just know that this spring to summer season
is going to be so much easier than the summer to fall season.
No monsoons, for a start.
And I'm slowly getting back my old growing skills.
They were rather rusty, I must say.
We had some fairly heavy rain here yesterday late afternoon / early evening.
Maybe about 5cm = 2" or so. A good down pour. My kale seedling got flooded!!!

It stopped just after dusk, so I grabbed the opportunity....
Bundling up the FastBuds C4-matic and Green Crack, I hefted them up the hill.
Got fairly wet climbing through the undergrowth to their site,
but now they are safely located in their long term outdoor site!
I then returned home, and thought about the last two,
the G14 and the smaller Dark Devil.
Thinking that the Dark Devil is really not a seedling anymore,
I carried the two of them up the hill as well, and put them in place.

That's a relief. My tent is now empty of Maria Juanita,
so a lot of potential stress is finally gone.

I must say, that in the last couple of days, those FastBuds plants have been amazing!
They are only about 17.5 - 22.5cm = 7"-9" tall, but very bushy.
The Green Crack in particular, very deep green, wide leaves, and heavy branching.
Kind of wanted to leave them in the tent, finish them off there!

But, better outside, less stress.

Of course, while I was up there in the jungle in the dark,
I checked out the others -- Cream Mandarin XL, Jack 47, AutoMazar and Blue Amnesia.
The heavy rain had left the leaves drooping, but that's normal.
Otherwise, looking just fine.
The cloth bags seem to have helped draining the heavy water levels.
But it was too dark to see if they had any bug damage from the last two days.

I'm calling the day a success!

Love and hugs,
Just went up to check on them at dusk and feed with CaliMagic and 1/4 strength AN Sensi Bloom Coco AB.
Enough light to see them and water them, but not much detail.

The location of the FastBuds and Blue Amnesia is maybe too exposed to view. Hard to check on them.
The Sweet Seeds and AutoMazar are better hidden, with same amount of sun exposure.

The AutoMazar was the best surprise. She was the tallest anyway, maybe 25cm = 10" when she went out.
Now, just 5 days later, she is almost 40cm = 16" tall. Her inter-node length has really stretched.
And the stem is very wide and thick at about the 5, 6, 7th node.
I think that the recent weather of rain and cloud has really made her stretch right up tall!!
I tried to look for pistils on her, couldn't see any. She's going to be big and tall.

The others have grown a little, but not much. Just the previous speed I guess.
The Jack 47 has also shot up a fair bit more, she's quite tall now too.
The Blue Amnesia has again put on some height. She's more open, but will be tall.
And the Green Crack has the side branches pushing almost straight up.
They're almost level with the main stem. She's going to be a nice bush.
The G14 is also very bushy, C4 only slightly less.

So far this grow is going about 300% better than the last one!!

The feed was about 0.5L each. Which after this rain is probably too much water for them.
But I was afraid that the heavy rain would leach too much nutrients, so thought to give them a feed.
I can really leave them alone for a while now. Next week may have a little rain, but not much.
Can reduce visiting frequency, and just check once a week.

So I say, but I do like to visit them.......................

Maybe next Friday I can do some pollination using my Mandala Safari male.
I just pollinated the two remaining Mandala Safari photo females today.
Both very different phenos (the Safaris are a mix of "experimental crosses").
One is a very clear indica, afghani style hash plant single big thick fast cola.
The other is more open and branched, and slower, but still some sativa-indica cross I think.
The male himself was more like the indica pheno, single fast, tall main cola with little branching.

Going to have a lot of seeds.........
More than I'll be able to use for a long time.........

Love and hugs,
Day 27 - All Autos

Cream Mandarin XL
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About 35cm = 14" tall.

Dark Devil
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Just standing about 18cm = 7" tall.

Jack 47
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About 35cm = 14" tall.

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Shot up to about 50cm = 20" tall.