Outdoor Maria's Spring Madness: SS Jack 47, Mandarin XL, Dark Devil, FB Green Crack, G14, C-4, DP AutoMazar

cheers Maria, your experienced from last grow is really showing, onward and upward!

Can add "Outdoor Cannabis Growing" to my CV along with "Indoor Cannabis Growing".
The biggest difference is in the start. Germination, seedling okay, then veg is going to be awesome!

The weather today was beautiful, as you can see from these shots.
Tomorrow, more of the same, and maybe more too on Monday.
Some rain later in the week, but shouldn't be too heavy.

Was interested in seeing their color. They look lighter outside, but that's just sunlight vs electric light.
Think I'll feed heavier, and let nature do the rain in between.

That AutoMazar ......... oh, yeah, she's going to be big.
50cm = 20" already, only just showing her first tiny flowers.
I'm guessing she'll be easily 100cm = 1yd, but maybe 120cm, 150cm....
I think she'll be able to finish in time.
Hope she doesn't topple her pot.

I have some poles that I can use for support.
But, for LST......... there is not much to tie to, except edge of the pots.
I'm leaving them natural for now.
Doing work like LST on site takes time, and time means exposure.

All praise to our billion watt grow lamp -- the sun!!!!
Can add "Outdoor Cannabis Growing" to my CV along with "Indoor Cannabis Growing".
The biggest difference is in the start. Germination, seedling okay, then veg is going to be awesome!

The weather today was beautiful, as you can see from these shots.
Tomorrow, more of the same, and maybe more too on Monday.
Some rain later in the week, but shouldn't be too heavy.

Was interested in seeing their color. They look lighter outside, but that's just sunlight vs electric light.
Think I'll feed heavier, and let nature do the rain in between.

That AutoMazar ......... oh, yeah, she's going to be big.
50cm = 20" already, only just showing her first tiny flowers.
I'm guessing she'll be easily 100cm = 1yd, but maybe 120cm, 150cm....
I think she'll be able to finish in time.
Hope she doesn't topple her pot.

I have some poles that I can use for support.
But, for LST......... there is not much to tie to, except edge of the pots.
I'm leaving them natural for now.
Doing work like LST on site takes time, and time means exposure.

All praise to our billion watt grow lamp -- the sun!!!!
They are cloth pots right dig a 3 inch hole to put the bottom of the pot in. That would prevent toppling and some extra space for the roots to grow into. Just put a few slits in the bag if they wont let the roots grow through easily.

"carpe diem"
Can add "Outdoor Cannabis Growing" to my CV along with "Indoor Cannabis Growing".
The biggest difference is in the start. Germination, seedling okay, then veg is going to be awesome!

The weather today was beautiful, as you can see from these shots.
Tomorrow, more of the same, and maybe more too on Monday.
Some rain later in the week, but shouldn't be too heavy.

Was interested in seeing their color. They look lighter outside, but that's just sunlight vs electric light.
Think I'll feed heavier, and let nature do the rain in between.

That AutoMazar ......... oh, yeah, she's going to be big.
50cm = 20" already, only just showing her first tiny flowers.
I'm guessing she'll be easily 100cm = 1yd, but maybe 120cm, 150cm....
I think she'll be able to finish in time.
Hope she doesn't topple her pot.

I have some poles that I can use for support.
But, for LST......... there is not much to tie to, except edge of the pots.
I'm leaving them natural for now.
Doing work like LST on site takes time, and time means exposure.

All praise to our billion watt grow lamp -- the sun!!!!
bowing to Sola
They are cloth pots right dig a 3 inch hole to put the bottom of the pot in. That would prevent toppling and some extra space for the roots to grow into. Just put a few slits in the bag if they wont let the roots grow through easily.

"carpe diem"

Hey @islandgrower --
That's a good idea. But where I've put them the ground is super hard and rocky.
Instead, I've just placed a few rocks around the base to support them.
I don't think the roots will grow out of the pots. 2 gal for 2 months sounds about right.
But I'm still going to keep an eye on the height of these, esp. the Mazar and Blue Amnesia.
Hey @islandgrower --
That's a good idea. But where I've put them the ground is super hard and rocky.
Instead, I've just placed a few rocks around the base to support them.
I don't think the roots will grow out of the pots. 2 gal for 2 months sounds about right.
But I'm still going to keep an eye on the height of these, esp. the Mazar and Blue Amnesia.
I think with a few slits at the bottom they would grow through and get into the ground. Even if hard lol

"carpe diem"
I gave them all a drink and feed last night, quite late.
It was CaliMagic and 1/2 strength AN Sensi Bloom Coco AB.
Each plant about 0.5L. They could have had more.

The pots were dry, but not overly dry. It's been hot sunny weather.
Same weather again today. Then maybe some showers tomorrow.
Though will prepare for another feed if no showers by tomorrow.

I was planning on going up earlier, but something came up.
It was hours after dusk by the time I got up there, and a new moon.
But I could still see well enough to get in and out safely.
And check the general state of the plants.