Outdoor Maria's Spring Madness: SS Jack 47, Mandarin XL, Dark Devil, FB Green Crack, G14, C-4, DP AutoMazar

Just thinking, this season so far, my germination / sprout rate has been pretty good, but not perfect.
3/3 x Early Top Tao, 5/6 Mandala Safari, 8/8 Autos.
Total of 16/17, about ... 94%.
Hopefully I can manage this same success rate all the way to harvest!!
that's way excellent!
Day 11 - All Autos

Family pic:
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Top Row (Sweet Seeds): Jack 47, Dark Devil, Cream Mandarin XL
Middle Row (Dutch Passion, Ministry of Cannabis): AutoMazar, Blue Amnesia
Bottom Row (FastBuds): Green Crack, G14, C4-matic

Individual pics:
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Above: Sweet Seeds Cream Mandarin XL, Dark Devil, Jack 47

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Above: Ministry of Cannabis Blue Amnesia, Dutch Passion AutoMazar

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Above: FastBuds C4-matic, G14, Green Crack

Still on pure mountain stream water, with the Mars Reflector 192 on grow + bloom = 400+W (for the whole tent...)
Will spray them with some neem oil tomorrow, and am thinking about when to give them a very very light feed with AN Sensi.

Love and hugs,
puts a real big smile on me
Day 14 -- All Autos

It's exactly 2 weeks old today, everyone! So, some birthday photos in order.
These were all taken out on the balcony, under some nice sunshine and breeze.
I then gave them all (and most of the other plants in the tent) a really good soaking.
I've only been watering with pure mountain spring water (ppm 80-82, same as RO water).
I water in the center, and often with a spray bottle.
But thought that the outer edges may be getting a little dry,
and the roots are just starting to touch the bottom of the 1L pots.
So, big soak down for them all in order.
Should be no need to water for a couple of days after this, I guess.

The family:
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Top Row (FastBuds): C4-matic, G14, Green Crack
Middle Row (Ministry of Cannabis, Dutch Passion): Blue Amnesia, AutoMazar
Bottom Row (Sweet Seeds): Cream Mandarin XL, Dark Devil, Jack 47

The individuals:
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Little Miss Cream Mandarin XL.
Second strongest so far.
Nodes showing potential for nice branching soon.

Dark Devil -- I somehow forgot the pics!!
Poor little thing, the smallest by far, now forgotten.
Extra love for her!!
Anyway, she's starting to grow now, so she's just a couple of days behind.

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Jack 47
Looking very nice, too. Darkest green of all eight, I think.

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Blue Amnesia.
This one is the strongest in terms of main stem growth and also node growth.
It's interesting, because the SeedFinder review gave it 3/10, due to some guy's bad grow experience.
Well, if she keeps up like this, I'm going to put a nice review there to counter him.
Haha! Too many people blame the genes when it's often something else.

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AutoMazar, maybe looking like [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] in terms of vigorfor this young lady.

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C4-matic. The strongest of the FastBuds strains.
Though all three of the FB plants are showing potential for nice branching.

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G14. Doing very well here. Curious to see how Indica this lady will be!

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Green Crack. She was the last one to germ, but has wasted no time here!

Still thinking about when to start with some very mild nutrients.
At day 20, as per TaNg's feeding schedule for AN? Maybe.
For now, though, they are looking lovely and healthy and green.
Not the slightest bit of yellowing, leaf curl or turn, or any nutrient problems at all!!
Okay, don't want to jinx myself, but it's true.
The soil I'm using is nice. Keep it simple, and don't mess up.

Love and hugs,
Getting ready for the big transplant / re-pot these few days.

Hopefully my ordered quality potting mix will arrive today.

In the meantime, thought I'd better get my coco coir ready.
A while back I bought a big brick, Sri Lankan, 50-60L worth.
I only used half at the time, straight soak and use.
I suspect there may have been some slight pH issues though.
Later I did a ppm test on the run off of a small amount, it was quite high.

So this time thought I'd better treat the coco properly.
I took about 1/4 of the brick, cut down with a knife, figured about 15+L or so.
Took an old potting mix sack, 25L in volume, and put it in a big 18L bucket.
Dropped in the 1/4 brick, broken in half, and added water to about 15L.
Left that overnight to really soak.
Coco expands quickly, but needs longer to really break down I think.

This morning, before my housemate was out of bed, I got to work.
I pulled the nicely soaked coco sack out of the bucket onto the balcony.
Punched a number of small holes in the sack with scissors, and let it drain.
It's a slow drain, but that's fine.
The run off was quite dark, so want to get rid of that.

Then I started mixing up some of the CaliMagic and AN Sensi Bloom Coco AB.
I did bottles of 2L each, CaliMagic at full strength (1ml / L), Sensi 1/4 strength (1ml / L).
And then poured this in, letting it run down, flush through, and drain out.
I did 3 bottles like this, so 6 L total, for about 15L of wet coco.
Since it was already soaked wet, it may balance out to about 1/8 total.

That's now still sitting on the balcony, slowly draining.
The slow drain helps let it soak and absorb, rather than just run through.
Just finished when my house mate got out of bed.
Perfect timing.

When she's out this afternoon / tonight, I'll come back and finish off.
Will first pH and ppm test the result, adjusting with CaliMagic and Sensi Bloom if need be.
And hopefully the new soil will have been delivered by then.
Then will mix up my nice soil (60%) + coco (30%) + perlite (5%) + vermiculite (5%).
Will do 8 pots x 8 L / pot, so 64 L total.

Going to be a big gardening day, today!!!
Wish me luck!
got to be stealth in your own space!
Day 22 - All Autos

After being out for the weekend, came back to find them all looking lovely!!
Their three weeks inside vegging is about to end. Start of week 4 today.
Thought I'd give you all some better photos of them all, top pic and side pic.

Sweet Seeds - Cream Mandarin XL
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She's showing calyxes and pistils nicely.

Sweet Seeds - Dark Devil
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Catching up and looking great. No flowers so far.

Sweet Seeds - Jack 47
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Has really taken off! Very strong branching from first node, and very deep green.

Ministry of Cannabis - Blue Amnesia
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Flowers coming along nicely.

Continued below...