Outdoor Maria's Spring Madness: SS Jack 47, Mandarin XL, Dark Devil, FB Green Crack, G14, C-4, DP AutoMazar

In my experience topping and or fimming (not rimming -as my auto spell wants to say) adds 1-2 weeks onto the grow. I suppose with that many plants you're gonna need a level canopy eh?

Probably worth the extra time. [emoji848]

Thanks for this sharing, @Vlad The Inhaler .
Unfortunately, I'm on a deadline, and don't want to push harvest date any later at all.

They are going outside later, so canopy height is not an issue at all.
But was thinking that lower height would make them squat and bushy.
May be better outside against any strong winds.

But.... at this point, don't think I'll FIM / top in the end.
I've ordered some more nice soil, plus some perlite and vermiculite.
I hope to re-pot them into their final pots, some 8+ L cloth bags, in a day or two.
Then I can give them a couple of days indoors under the light to adjust.
Then.... outside, into the great wild!
Day 16 - All Autos

Photos from inside the tent. I turned the bloom switch off to minimize the red/purple effect.

The family:
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Left column (Sweet Seeds): Cream Mandarin XL, Dark Devil, Jack 47
Middle column (Ministry, Dutch Passion): Blue Amnesia, AutoMazar
Right column (FastBuds): C4-matic, G14, Green Crack

The yellow things are those sticky traps for bugs, fungus gnats....

The individuals:
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Cream Mandarin XL.
She's now about 22cm = 9" across.

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Dark Devil.
Wasting no time in catching up in growth!

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Jack 47.
Still the darkest green, taller and with narrowest leaves.

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Blue Amnesia.
This freebie addition is looking very good!
At 22cm = 9" wide, and best inner branching starting.

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Widest at 23cm = 9"+, she's overtaking the Amnesia and Mandarin!
Good branching starting inside, too.

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Very strong and healthy, some branching there.

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Solid looking indica type.

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Green Crack.
Also solid plant, nice inner branching.

The good soak I gave them two days ago means the pots still have good moisture on top.
I think that the soak suddenly increased the branching, perhaps.
Maybe the root tips on the edges of the pot had been dry,
but now the water touching them has given the signal to branch out.

Hoping for my ordered soil to come in today or tomorrow.
If all is well, I hope to soak the coco coir today.
First give it a good soak in plain pure water (80 ppm) and run off heavy.
Then give it a pre-charge with 1/4 strength AN Sensi Bloom AB.
Let that pre-charge settle for 24 hrs, until re-potting tomorrow some time.

Once they are out of the 1L pots into 8L pots, I think they'll show good growth.
They're already starting to hit full youthful veg mode, no longer little baby seedlings.

Love and hugs,
Getting ready for the big transplant / re-pot these few days.

Hopefully my ordered quality potting mix will arrive today.

In the meantime, thought I'd better get my coco coir ready.
A while back I bought a big brick, Sri Lankan, 50-60L worth.
I only used half at the time, straight soak and use.
I suspect there may have been some slight pH issues though.
Later I did a ppm test on the run off of a small amount, it was quite high.

So this time thought I'd better treat the coco properly.
I took about 1/4 of the brick, cut down with a knife, figured about 15+L or so.
Took an old potting mix sack, 25L in volume, and put it in a big 18L bucket.
Dropped in the 1/4 brick, broken in half, and added water to about 15L.
Left that overnight to really soak.
Coco expands quickly, but needs longer to really break down I think.

This morning, before my housemate was out of bed, I got to work.
I pulled the nicely soaked coco sack out of the bucket onto the balcony.
Punched a number of small holes in the sack with scissors, and let it drain.
It's a slow drain, but that's fine.
The run off was quite dark, so want to get rid of that.

Then I started mixing up some of the CaliMagic and AN Sensi Bloom Coco AB.
I did bottles of 2L each, CaliMagic at full strength (1ml / L), Sensi 1/4 strength (1ml / L).
And then poured this in, letting it run down, flush through, and drain out.
I did 3 bottles like this, so 6 L total, for about 15L of wet coco.
Since it was already soaked wet, it may balance out to about 1/8 total.

That's now still sitting on the balcony, slowly draining.
The slow drain helps let it soak and absorb, rather than just run through.
Just finished when my house mate got out of bed.
Perfect timing.

When she's out this afternoon / tonight, I'll come back and finish off.
Will first pH and ppm test the result, adjusting with CaliMagic and Sensi Bloom if need be.
And hopefully the new soil will have been delivered by then.
Then will mix up my nice soil (60%) + coco (30%) + perlite (5%) + vermiculite (5%).
Will do 8 pots x 8 L / pot, so 64 L total.

Going to be a big gardening day, today!!!
Wish me luck!
Day 17 - All Autos

Here are some photos before the big re-pot project.

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Top row (FastBuds): C4-matic, G14, Green Crack
Mid row (Ministry, DP): Blue Amnesia, AutoMazar
Bottom row (Sweet Seeds): Cream Mandarin XL, Dark Devil, Jack 47

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Cream Mandarin XL -- chunky like her name.

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Dark Devil -- catching up nicely!!

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Jack 47 -- lean and deep green.

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Blue Amnesia -- will be a branched monster!

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AutoMazar -- now the biggest, and hungry looking!

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C4-Matic -- solid all around.

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G14 -- also very solid.

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Green Crack -- good all around.

The re-pot below .................
After the overnight soaking in plain water (80 ppm)
and then the soak for a few hours in the Sensi Bloom AB,
I did a quick pH test and ppm test.
pH = 6.0 and ppm = 190.
Really happy with the AN Sensi Bloom results!

Once my housemate was out of the house for the night, I got to work:

With 8 pots at 7-8 L per pot, minus the 1L of the present pots, I needed about 56L of mix.
In a big 100L bin, I first put in about 30L of the original good potting mix.
Then added the 15L or so of the prepared coco coir, mixed it all in.
I then added about 20L of my new quality potting soil, it's really nice!!
The original soil is pH 6.1, the coco about pH 6.0, and the new soil is pH 5.6,
so I added just a small amount (maybe 50g) of fine dolomite lime, aiming at pH 6.0.
Mixed it all in very well, breaking up any lumps and stuff.

I got my cloth 8L grow bags ready, and soaked some coco mats for the bottoms.
Filled the pots half way up, packed it down, and water until slight run off.
Then continued to fill up the pots near the top, made a hole,
and then used one of my spare 1L pots to make a perfect sized hole for the re-potting.
Dropped in 5g of mycorrhizal spores into the bottom and sides of the holes.

Then ... the careful bit: took the plants from the 1L pots and placed then into the holes.
All this went very, very well. Not a single drop or flaky transplant!!

Here's a shot of the Green Crack root ball:
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It's not as impressive as my Mandala Safari photos, but they were day 21, anyway.

Remembered to tag all the pots, so I can identify them. Haha.
Then, filled up the pots to near the top, and watered then down until slight run off.

Here's what they looked like together:
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The photo is a bit funny. The white dots in the pots are perlite.
The white dots on the ground and leaves are water droplets.

Then, into the tent they all went. This shot has veg+bloom lights, so very red:
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You can see that their leaves a drooping a bit, which is natural. They perked right up this morning.
Top left is strawberry, below that 2 lavenders, then some thai basil, rosemary, more small lavenders.
In the bottom center is 5 pots of scorpion chili, very small right now.

After the night, this morning, they looked like this:
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Not the best angle, I know........ but you can see that the leaves are up, not drooping, and not on the soil.

Last of all, here's a shot of the surprise candidate, the Ministry of Cannabis Blue Amnesia, to show her branch structure:
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Really nice work on the transplants, it looks like you had the timing right. I love it when they perk right up...How were the roots on the little dark devil?
Really nice work on the transplants, it looks like you had the timing right. I love it when they perk right up...How were the roots on the little dark devil?

Thanks! I was quite happy with it overall. No problems = success!
The roots on the little Dark Devil were just reaching the outer edges of the 1L pot.
I think after the initial wilt issue, she's back and just like any other plant. No long term problems.