Outdoor Maria's Spring Madness: SS Jack 47, Mandarin XL, Dark Devil, FB Green Crack, G14, C-4, DP AutoMazar

Day 7 - One Week Old!!

The auto babies are one week old today.
Was out for a couple of days, and the Dark Devil was wilted when I left.
Was worried that it would be dead, and maybe others too, when I returned.
But, all is well. The DD is a little stunted, but it's alive. So happy!!!!
The rest are doing well. They are mostly putting out their second set of leaves.

20170409 Autos (1).jpg

Top Row (FastBuds): C4-matic, G14, Green Crack
Middle Row (Ministry & Dutch Passion): Blue Amnesia, Mazar
Bottom Row (Sweet Seeds): Cream Mandarin XL, Dark Devil, Jack 47

They're all still just on plain mountain spring water,
under the Mars Reflector 192 (grow only, so ~200W), with 17/7.
Will prob turn on the bloom switch today, making it 400W.
(The photo above is out of the tent, under morning sunlight.)

Love and hugs,
Hey @witchyhour - thanks for the love bombs!

The genetics look awesome. The key is what Maria can do with them, haha!

It's only lately that I've succeeded in doing outdoors.
In the past was pretty much an indoor growing, with HIDs and stuff.
Tried a couple of outdoor grows in the past.
But lack of preparation and a nice bunch being pulled by my dad put an end to that...... :p

I should prob do the same, some earlier, some later.
Since I've got a fair range of sati-dom to indica-dom here.

Sounds delicious. These other herbs are also good growing cover story for me.
Wondering why I'm buying so much soil and stuff? For my basil and mints... honest.
Papaya grows wild a lot around here. On the side of the road, in a ditch, everywhere....

Willow is good. I used to use willow water (young willow wands soaked in water) for clones.
It apparently has natural root inducing hormones. Seemed to help, though not prop tested.

You go, girl!

Love and hugs,
far out about the willows. I once used long willows, green, stripped the leaves off and stuck em in the garden as poles for green beans. By the time beans were harvested had willows growing in the garden, lol.
Haha! Yep, plenty of that to go around. Where in the world are you?

I've been growing outdoors for years maaaan.. usually get some decent weed too, despite the crappy UK weather.


There's some of last year's buds grown right under a farmer's nose! [emoji6]
got some nice frost there, crappy weather be damned, full speed ahead!
Under the excuse of going to dig out some more holes in this large unused garden area,
thought I'd check on the Safaris after transplant and the Early Top Tao.
The hole area is about 50m x 50m (about 50 yd x 50 yd) of layer raised beds.
Some flowers were planted here over a year ago, and most died. It's been abandoned since.

Carried in about 25L = 6 gal of semi- second hand soil / coco. It's in okay shape.
I pH tested before hand, expecting it to be high due to some potash in there.
But it was actually about 5+ so sweetened it up with some dolomite lime.
It's about the same as the dirt I threw in the holes for the Mandalas.

On the far opposite side of the garden to the Safaris and Top Tao, I dug three holes.
Each hole is about 8L = 2+gal in volume, and in went the dirt.
8L = 2 gal about perfect for 2+ month autos, right?
I don't think I'll put the newly dropped autos in here.
May do the extra Sweet Seeds Cream Mandarin XL, Dark Devil and Jack 47.
I bought 3 packs of 3 seeds, but they were 3+1 packs. So 3 extra seeds...

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The holes.

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Some neighbors?

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Covered over again.

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The far other side of the garden.

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caterpillars in potential!
Ah.. sounds like you've got a completely different set of enemies over there so my tips probably don't apply. Tell ya what tho, I'd much rather have rabbits than cobras! [emoji23][emoji51]

Sounds like it couldn't be easier.. unless you get a plague of locusts of something!
cobras can keep the tourists away, lol