Mephisto Genetics many strains, ongoing

Day 42ish. Last week I noticed a few black flies in my little tent, later identified as fungus gnats. Bastards! I'm still not too mobile, so I had to put off going to the grow shop for a few days. Well these things went from 2-3, to LOTS more in a few days. Bastards! I've drenched neem oil everywhere, assassinated every SOB I could get, hung those little yellow sticky jobs in each corner of the room, and I've got 'em. The Stomper took it worst, strangely White Chem has been barely touched? In all my years of growing I've never had fungus gnats, little destructive bastards.
Stomper, had her neck snapped, you can see the gnat damage on some leaves
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White Chem. Really nice plant, branches everywhere, took to the training like a champ, and the few extra days before showing sex made a big difference to her size.
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I've got a Bluetoof Special thats just broken surface, and a Forum Stomper thats not too far away.
Have a nice day lads and ladies
Be careful spraying Neem oil on flowering plants. Also, if I were you I would find the Source. Most of the time it is from soil you bought from a store. If you have some old medium laying around, I advise throwing it out. Use Mosquito Dunks to prevent your next round. Don't be cheap and try to salvage a half used bag of Promix or whatever your are isn't worth it. My old roommate bought some cheap bricked Coco many years ago and it was the source of some weird pot mites for him. He used a black bucket to hydrate it with a lid on it and when he opened it up a couple days after sitting in the bucket it had those mites. Moral of the story, start by looking at your medium and tossing opened bags of it. You don't want a rebound.
Be careful spraying Neem oil on flowering plants. Also, if I were you I would find the Source. Most of the time it is from soil you bought from a store. If you have some old medium laying around, I advise throwing it out. Use Mosquito Dunks to prevent your next round. Don't be cheap and try to salvage a half used bag of Promix or whatever your are isn't worth it. My old roommate bought some cheap bricked Coco many years ago and it was the source of some weird pot mites for him. He used a black bucket to hydrate it with a lid on it and when he opened it up a couple days after sitting in the bucket it had those mites. Moral of the story, start by looking at your medium and tossing opened bags of it. You don't want a rebound.
It's not the soil. All my excess soil is in a sealed plastic tub, in the house, I'd have seen signs of contamination. Plus the plants have been in the tent for over a month, if it were soil, these badboys would have been up a long time ago. They've made it into the tent somehow
It's not the soil. All my excess soil is in a sealed plastic tub, in the house, I'd have seen signs of contamination. Plus the plants have been in the tent for over a month, if it were soil, these badboys would have been up a long time ago. They've made it into the tent somehow
Not always true. Look at the life cycle of many bugs . Contaminated soil with larvae can take many weeks to show signs and for the life cycle to evolve. Many times the infestation occurs at the beginning of flowering, when the life cycle has turned them into flyers. Either way, keep an open mind about your medium. And find the source, good luck.
the cycle of larvae to gnat, in fungus gnats, is around 4 days. Their life cycle is 4 weeks. If it were my soil, they would have had to survive with no moisture, for months, all enclosed with no air. Other bugs larvae can last longer in the soil, and wait for perfect conditions to reproduce, fungus gnats are not in that catagory. Any way, they are all dead now, my yellow traps have been clear for a few days, just something to keep an eye on. Soil has been drenched with oil/water mixture too, so any larvae are well dead
the cycle of larvae to gnat, in fungus gnats, is around 4 days. Their life cycle is 4 weeks. If it were my soil, they would have had to survive with no moisture, for months, all enclosed with no air. Other bugs larvae can last longer in the soil, and wait for perfect conditions to reproduce, fungus gnats are not in that catagory. Any way, they are all dead now, my yellow traps have been clear for a few days, just something to keep an eye on. Soil has been drenched with oil/water mixture too, so any larvae are well dead
I will agree to disagree and highly suggest not using Neem oil or yellow sticky strips in flower. You very well could have Flying Root Aphids, which live in the soil and will effect plants at flowering time. One thing people make a mistake with bugs is by being overly confident that they are all gone. Be diligent. Use Mosquito Dunks on your next plants as prevention. Shut down after your current grow and bomb your place. And start back up. Just my advice, bugs can destroy a garden for a long time. But obviously you know that. Good luck
I'll get this thread going again. White Chem and Stomper are down, smoke report to follow soon for the White Chem. Forum Stomper and Bluetoof Special going strong.
Forum Stomper.

Bluetoof Special, staying small, getting fat though. Typical Mephisto indica structure