They still not found it growbe, lol
Hey everyone who pops in to say hi or check out my lady, I just want to say. I'm not a nasty person and wouldn't want to eva offend or be rude to nyone, sumtimes I'm dumb and I do apologise. But nyways b4 I add ppl as friends I like to know they r pretty safe, and I suppose that's same for many. If u have NEVER posted on the site, or have NO friends and randomly send me a friend request I am suspicious. Please dnt think I'm rude. I'm not just like to think I'm cautious.
I really like this site and hope that I'm a valid member along with all the other goodies!
I'm still learning and granted don't know much but one day I will! And I would like to help ppl giving them the opportunity to learn as I have thanks to many ppl on here.
Sorry just need to get that off my chest.
Nyways happy growing ppl n have a nice day.
Hey everyone who pops in to say hi or check out my lady, I just want to say. I'm not a nasty person and wouldn't want to eva offend or be rude to nyone, sumtimes I'm dumb and I do apologise. But nyways b4 I add ppl as friends I like to know they r pretty safe, and I suppose that's same for many. If u have NEVER posted on the site, or have NO friends and randomly send me a friend request I am suspicious. Please dnt think I'm rude. I'm not just like to think I'm cautious.
I really like this site and hope that I'm a valid member along with all the other goodies!
Sorry just need to get that off my chest.
Nyways happy growing ppl n have a nice day.