Extraction Making Butter

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My wife made cookies with the butter and I figured the results of the 2 tsp I used (1 stick = 8 tbsp/ 24 tsp) into 18 cookies - same effect would be about 2 cookies. NOTHING on 2 - a little on 3 - Think it was stone on 4 but I was very sleepy too. Did she 'cook' out the goodness?
maybe she didnt "cook in" the goodness... longer seems to be better when it comes to canna butter... I like a min of 24 hours at 212 F

tip: grind the weed... mix weed and butter in a crockpot.... add water.... water regulates temp to 212 max as long as you keep water in there... as well as sucking up the impurities in the weed... any leftover un (plant processed) ferts and off flavors... :toke:
2 tsp mucked me up. - there are 24 tsp in the cookies. My thoughts were baking the cookie dough at 350'. I got hammered on my little bit.
I make my own butter as it's the best for long term pain management. Making the butter I found using a large lobster pot filled to the handles with about 1-2 ozs of dried leaves. Boiling is a big no no as CBD can become airborne so a low simmer works best. Add cold water to make the plant matter fall to the bottom of the pot, add your butter and let simmer don't stir anything but the very top. 2-3hrs of simmering your butter is ready. I skim off the thick stuff and strain the rest. Once your done straining bring the water back to a boil for 1/2hr just enough time to allow plant matter to drop again. Add 1liter of very cold water very slowly and allow to sit no heat for 5-6 days.

I end up with 16ozs of canabutter, very light in color when complete. 1 tsp equal one dosage. I end up taking 1 Tbsp with my breakfast this lasts till about lunch.
Once your done straining bring the water back to a boil for 1/2hr just enough time to allow plant matter to drop again. Add 1liter of very cold water very slowly and allow to sit no heat for 5-6 days.

I end up with 16ozs of canabutter, very light in color when complete. 1 tsp equal one dosage. I end up taking 1 Tbsp with my breakfast this lasts till about lunch.

So it sounds like you're makiing the initial butter the way I did and taking all the plant matter out. Wouldn't boiling again evaporate the goodness or convert it to couch lock CBD?
I bring the temps back up just to a low simmer boil not a rolling boil that causes bubbles or steam, high temps as JM pointed out are what causes CBD loss. The reason I do this a second time is even though the plant matter is strained away there is still green material that needs to sink.

Pouring cold water in very slow causes the materials to separate. Do this before you add your butter once the butter fully melts I stir occasionally and add cold water as needed. I never stir from the bottom during this phase. Once you skim the butter off the top then once again pour in ice cold water and strain once again.

I make my butter for pain relief, this helps my sciatica, nerve damage in my back,legs. It really helps with sleeping more then 1 1/2hrs at a time. High CBD is really what I'm after for my treatments.
The best way I've noticed to cook with "trimmy" bits is to just make a quick run of ice water hash. You don't even really need to cure it, just dry it so it's not the wet lump that ends up in the bag. I cook it right in to whatever I am making. Mix it in with melted butter or warm oil. Edibles turn out extremely potent, with not too much leftover "hay" taste
I have an update with my experience and another question.
I made another batch with every bit of plant matter after it dried and was trimmed. I popped in a few buds for good measure before I sealed them up for curing. I used a crock pot this time to go over night. Worked as usual and yeilded 1lb of butter. I mixed 1/2 cup melted into a brownie mix and chowed down.
2 hours later I noticed a heavy buzz coming on and it increased over a short period of time. so the overnight crockpot is the way to go IMO.
My question is the test bud on this plant was a nice up, happy, talkative high which is the goal on this strain. However, the brownie buzz was nervous and negative thought provoking. My patient, main med user, tried 2 yesterday and complained of the same effects.
Is this because there's more of the doggie downer chems in the stems and fan leaves or is the cooking temps converting the THC into other compounds?