Mainlining and Manifolding Auto's

When growing indoors plant training may just be the most important aspect of increasing yield and quality of your buds. There are many diffrent techniques including LST, topping/fiming,super cropping,lollypoping ECT. This thread is for mainlining/manifolding. I'd suggest getting comfortable with LST and topping before attempting this.

***Step 1. Wait till your plants are at the 3-5 nodes I like to wait until I get 2 full sets of leafs. Even though you have 5 nodes cut her down at the 3rd so she's thicker and stronger.

***Step 2. Take the two nodes and tie them down to make the T shape to make your sturdy base for the frame to come.
[Tip: When mainlining symmetry is everything. Try and keep both sides equal and even as much as possible.]

***Step 3. After to have trained the two main stalks out around 6-8 inches from the main stem let them start to grow upward. At this point you can decide to let her grow out or top both mains again and repeat the process. Remember every time to do this you multiply your main colas.
Tip. Personally for autos I top the two mains twice more to get 8 large colas. This method dosent increase overall yield. It gives you massive colas instead of a bunch of little to mid size colas.

In conclusion top your plant at the 3rd node when you reach 5 nodes and tie down the new mains into a T shape. Then keep tieing them down while letting them recover and reach upward toward the light. Once your around 6-8 inches away from the main stem let them grow verticly and repeat the process as many times as desired while cutting off lower growth focusing the plants energy upward toward the new mains. And remember Symmetry is everything. The one photo with the X's shows where to cut the lower and undesired growth off.
Any other questions feel free to ask I will answer.
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Well, the updates on my mainlining journey can begin. The fifth node appeared (on this WW XXL) at day 16 so I topped her just below the 4th node. As a first time 'mainliner' with space concerns, I think it'd be a good idea to just top twice to get four mains.
White Widow XXL 9-4-20 Day 16 (2).jpg

Right now, space doesn't seem to be an issue as it sits beside the CBD WW Haze with 20 (or so) more days to go.
White Widow XXL 9-4-20 Day 16 (5).jpg

I have some head room to play with and think that I should be able to train each to accommodate the other. I guess I'll just have to take a wait and see approach. This is pretty much the space that I'm working with. Any suggestions are very much appreciated.
CBD White Widow Haze Hand Watered Ebb and Flow 8-13-20 Day 37 (8).jpg

In the spirit of @MR magoo , no mainlining thread should go without a copy of V.U.'s 'Sister Ray'. Smoke up and lose yourself for 14.5 minutes.:eyebrows:
Any suggestions are very much appreciated.

if them books are junk then its fine.
good luck n keep er lit
I think that maybe I should have waited another day before taking this step. It was topped 48 hours ago. Should I have let these tips grow out a little more before tying them down? They're not under too much stress from the pipe cleaners but I am a little concerned. I suppose that I can always remove the pipe cleaners for another day or two.
White Widow XXL 9-6-20 Day 18 (1).jpg

Edit: I removed the tie downs and will give it a little time to recover and grow out a bit.
White Widow XXL 9-6-20 Day 18 (2).jpg
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