Indoor Magic Island

Welcome to a Sunday afternoon update:pass:

All is well on Magic Island this weekend.
The final tally is in.
2 females and 4 males
The two females have been re-potted and now reside in 2.5gal containers.



The plan is to re-veg them for approx 2 weeks and give them the flip.

Looking forward to seeing what these ladies bring forth.

The males will continue to flower and I'll decide who makes the cut in a week or so.

Thanks for stopping by.
:jointman: guess I'm early tonight! They look very nice indeed mate,.... All these men-folks loafing about,.. any chance Prima Donna may get jiggy with an island native, or visa-versa? :eyebrows:
... I like those pots Ronin, perfect shape and size,... what brand?
:jointman: guess I'm early tonight! They look very nice indeed mate,.... All these men-folks loafing about,.. any chance Prima Donna may get jiggy with an island native, or visa-versa? :eyebrows:
... I like those pots Ronin, perfect shape and size,... what brand?
Thanks for stopping by @Waira :pass:
I think there may be other plans in order with the Prima:devil:
Definitely moving it forward to f2 for sure.. but we'll see what else she gets hit with:thumbsup:
re pots: I don't know the brand(nothing labeled)
@gbd left them with me after his Colorado stay.

Welcome to a Thursday evening update:pass:
Both Magic Islands were placed into the flip yesterday.
They went in a few days earlier than planned due to space restrictions.
Let's get to the pics...
Magic Island [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG]




Magic Island [HASHTAG]#6[/HASHTAG]




These ladies are going from a 20/4 cycle to a 12/12 so they'll really enjoy the flip:thumbsup:

Thanks for stopping by!:cheers:
Thanks for stopping by @Waira :pass:
I think there may be other plans in order with the Prima:devil:
Definitely moving it forward to f2 for sure.. but we'll see what else she gets hit with:thumbsup:
re pots: I don't know the brand(nothing labeled)
@gbd left them with me after his Colorado stay.

Welcome to a Thursday evening update:pass:
Both Magic Islands were placed into the flip yesterday.
They went in a few days earlier than planned due to space restrictions.
Let's get to the pics...
Magic Island [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG]
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Magic Island [HASHTAG]#6[/HASHTAG]
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These ladies are going from a 20/4 cycle to a 12/12 so they'll really enjoy the flip:thumbsup:

Thanks for stopping by!:cheers:
Oh that very first pic is so so fine! Look at the leaf structure, wowza