Damn Man! Keeping it Nice! 1270 ppms is REALLY high for Auto's. Quasar was most definitely right. Not sure if she has any experience with auto's but yeah, all those sick plants clearly look over fed. I'm new to hydro, but I go big, and I've made quite a few mistakes to learn from, lol. I would back WAY off on the ppms. That control wizard has a conversion factor of .5 so at 1250 you are running 2.5 EC which in all my experience is almost unheard of for auto's. 1.5 ec would be considered high. That's as high as I can possible get with MASSIVE hungry Think Different plants in full flower. I couldn't imagine being anywhere over 600 ppm with them plants even if they were healthy, and eating well. I doubt you will EVER get above 800 ppm with autos and have a healthy plant. Auto's just don't take nutes like regular plants, WAY more sensitive. That's why the feed charts for nutrients are worthless for auto's. Basically 1/4 strength to 1/2 strength of what they say, or you'll run into shit like you have now. That meter doesn't read EC, but with a conversion factor of .5 all you have to do is take your ppm's and multiply them by 2 and it will give you your EC. At 2.5 EC I'm surprised they don't look FAR worse. Go ahead and do some research on here on AFN and you won't see anyone running those ppm's on autos. Maybe photo period plants, but definitely not auto's.
Hope this helps ya man. Keep the videos coming.
Nuggage in abundage.