New Grower Lucy's Very First Grow - Ak48 auto in soil LED

Hey Lucy,

How old are these girls now?
They look superb.

If you open a picture in paintbrush there's an option to rotate the pics.
Just rotate, save, and upload.

One of my babies got killed today.

and I saw you talking about drying.

Have you looked into the paper bag method?
A lot of the pros here use it and swear by it.
Fast and easy.
That's the route I'm gunna go when time comes.
I know, I saw your fire ! At least you sang to her while she cooked.

They are 64 days old today.

The photo orients properly in every program except here <shrugs>
Stinky is seriously stinky now, If I leave the tent open for more than a few minutes the house floods with major skunk stink even though the carbon filter is running.

She seems to love the Flower Fuel. Her main cola is fattening up fast. The side buds are also doing ok, could be bigger but I am not really concerned about yield so it's all good. She's got some clawing going on because I am rushing to fill the deficiency before it's too late to help bud production. Probably a little too much too fast.

The variegated plant is a little singed from the booster but she will be ok I think. I need to give her less when feeding.

So here is Super Stinkie's main cola. I'm thinking that the leaf/bud ratio is off. It seems like a lot of leaves for buds of this age. I've seen Waira talk about it. I'm not going to fret over it tho. She seems to be doing all of the things she is supposed to right now.

I can't get them to upload vertical.
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That's a fine cola! :drool:
Oh boy. Today brought a change that seems fast. I wasn't expecting any of this so soon. All of the trichomes appear to be white tipped. I'm thinking that means cloudy? I am having trouble using the 60x loop. Of course I left the LED on for 5 days the first time I used it so now I have no light on it :p I can't seem to keep the thing steady enough to actually see much despite having very steady hands.

I am mostly using my cell camera but I am not feeling confident this is the same as using a loop. Especially on my first time. And I've never seen anyone describe trichomes as "white".

Some pistils turned brown over night it seems. They look fluffy still though and not all shriveled like you see in pictures.

I was hoping for 2 more weeks at least but now I don't know.

I'm a bit lost at this point. None of the trichs are amber though and most of the pistils are still white and fluffy.

I am probably not going to do a proper flush but I did want to stop feeding 2 weeks before she finishes.

Changes happen faster than I expect so for all I know I'll come home to amber trichs tomorrow. I just don't have a clue. I am hoping I have another 2 weeks.

20181025_172522.jpg 20181025_172541.jpg Brown pistils.jpg Brown pistils2.jpg Brown pistils3.jpg Brown pistils4.jpg browning pistils.jpg white trichs.jpg
Very exciting huh :) .. All the time and stress is almost all over and about to pay off.. I take samples of mine when they get to the point you are now, all cloudy with maybe some clear left.. I like em mostly cloudy with maybe 10% or less amber.. But hey that’s the best part, it’s your bud and your choice.. Look out they can go from all cloudy to lots and lots of Amber over night so yeah.. Cheers and almost congrats, but yet the hardest part I think is about too start.. The most tedious part and tricky parts are next.. After your first hour trimming your girls and having sticky fingers for the next few is sucky.. Then you think that feeling you use to have waking up to no bud was bad.. lol but is no comparison to waking up and having a qp all moldy because you didn’t burp em the day before.. That is the worst feeling ever trust me.. but hey congrats again almost there :)
Hi Reefer thanks for stopping by. I actually did try a tiny little bud tonight. I wasn't expecting much. I've been high for 2 hours now lol. I don't usually vape before taking care of the plants and now I know why. It wasn't killer strong or anything but was the kind of buzz I don't like much. I'm sure that will change when she's ready. I felt like my head was floating and I kept stopping in the middle of the room trying to remember what I was doing. I'm old tho and that can happen without the help of anything green :p

It did get me excited about what's to come though :cooldance:and it is wicked cool to know that you actually grew what you are feeling