New Grower Lowryder 2 grow, from seed to smoke!

Guess the yield?

Hey all,
So here's a pic of the full crop stacked in my hand. Man! That's fun!!!:D
(and that's one plant. I've got 5 more to harvest!)

a pic of the crop before trimming, and after.:thumbs:

So what's your guess on dry yield from this one plant?:shrug:Thanks for your guesses! It makes it that much more fun.

So what's your overall impression of the yield and visual appeal of this lowryder 2 harvest?

So FUN!:cough:


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Close to 18 Gz but hopin it's alot more for U and ur commitment(I never say hard work) n e ways waiting for the freak I'm 6'7" so I love women with long legs... Idk what a rep slap or plus is and if I can give em but if so hey got my vote...
Ya, that's a kick that we were right together on this and didn't even know it! I'll have to get over to your journal and have a look. Did you post pics? What's your guess on dry yield?

No pics for this chop

I don't even bother with weighing mine up any more,The only time it happens now is if my son comes over for a bit and i just get him to bring his scales with him lol
nice harvest bro! :slap:

looking chunky and delicious!

guesstimate yield @: 22grams :dance:

Lmao and still not guessing , as the saying goes " it is what it is " and heres something for your newly demised lady :slap: nice work buddie :peace:
Close to 18 Gz but hopin it's alot more for U and ur commitment(I never say hard work) n e ways waiting for the freak I'm 6'7" so I love women with long legs... Idk what a rep slap or plus is and if I can give em but if so hey got my vote...

Thanks man! I screwed up on The Freak. Breaking her top off wasn't a big problem, because at about 7 feet or so, I had no way to give her light. She's about 4 feet tall now. Where I screwed up was not giving her enough light, so the buds are under-sized and airy. I've adjusted the lights, and she's responding, but I neglected her too long. I'll get quite a bit from her though. I'll smoke a bit, but if it's not top shelf I may use her for some butter. She is one long-legged girl. :brow: I wish I would have treated her better. Oh well, live and learn.
Drying box

Thanks for the rep slaps guys!:buds:

Here's how I'm drying her. I've got her in a dark, cooler room, with a fan blowing gently across but not directly on the buds. After this, I'll probably drop them in a bag of shredded brown paper bags for a bit too. Some of these buds are dense, and I would rather over-dry than under dry. I don't want mold.

Also pictured are the roots. This was a number 5 pot, which is just over 4 gallons I believe. In the future, I'm thinking two gallon pots would be fine for Lowryder 2. I had read that they had huge root masses. Not so in this case.


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20.13 grams

Hi All,
You all guessed pretty darned close. I had 20.13 grams of bud, and a handful of sugar leaves as well. I noticed in the pic that I left a couple stems holding things together, so that doesn't look very impressive. Oh well. This lowryder 2 buds dried airy and not dense; not real impressive. The smell is odd, kind of hay smelling. I think now that I've jarred her, the smell should improve.

I harvested two other plants that were all milky trichs. So that will be some daytime smoke. They are filling my drying box now.

Now I've got two left still growing. I think I'll leave The Freak and her sister to amber up for some evening smoke. :group:

They'll be ready to chop in about a week I'm thinking.

It's supposed to snow 4 inches on Saturday, May 18th. Sometimes I hate this place.


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At least if you get snowed in you've got some nice smoke Al , lol :smokebuds::peace:
off by 2 grams!! close but no cigar.

enjoy the goodness alaskan -- let us know how she smokes after some cure :thumbs: