New Grower Lowryder 2 grow, from seed to smoke!

This lowryder 2 buds dried airy and not dense; not real impressive.

Dude, thanks alot for doing this grow journal!:thumbs:

The buds dried airy & un-dense because you kept your light too far away from the plants.

I don't know about this talk I hear about having the light too close to the plants. The only way you could damage them that way is if they were giving off too much heat. The test is to hold your hand directly under the light and drop your hand down until you can hardly feel any heat all. I have a 135 UFO and I can hold my hand right up to the glass and it is NOT hot nor even very warm. It's only slightly warm---certainly not enough to cause any burning or dehydration.

I mean, think about it:
At the equator they get a ton of intense sunlight for like 18 hours a day and you never hear of any growers needing to shield their plants from the sun, you know?

This talk about bleaching from having a virtually heat-less light source "too close" to the plants only seems to happen to peeps who insist on using fertilizers of ANY kind whatsoever. Them fert-people also seem to be the only ones who have trouble with calcium & magnesium deficiencies.

The Joint Doctor specifically says on their Lowryder 2 packaging "Do Not Fertilize".

So, your buds were airy & un-dense because you kept the light too high from the plants AND you left on all those shade-leaves which...get ready for it...SHADED various places on your plant and reduced the penetration of the light-rays. If you look at your pics and look at the shade leaves you will see how even THEY stretched for the light (along with your branches).

I have consumed your entire journal from start to finish. At the start you were worried about the plants being too bushy and compact and so decided to raise the light to make them stretch. I am surprised no one told you not to worry about the compactness of the plants because once they begin to flower they WILL most certainly double or triple in height & mass all by themselves.

Had you picked off the shade leaves once they were mid-sized---as & when---and had you kept the light significantly closer to the plants for the whole cycle (a few inches away at most), you would have had denser buds.

Still, what you ended up with looks yummy! :thumbs:
If they were indeed sticky as you trimmed them, then they should definitely get you stoned---even if you had only done a quick-dry instead of a nice, slow even cure-dry. Lowryder is some damn good shit, Maynard! It's a mix of William's Wonder, Mexican Ruderalis, and Northern Lights. It definitely grows better indoors than it does outdoors in northern climates.

Thanks again for completing your journal! Not everyone does, you know? Well done!:check:
Grow journal is still going!

Ahhhh, but the grow journal is not quite done....:dance:
Thanks for reading the whole grow journal. I thought it would be a good way for folk to know how to grow who had never done so. I had lots of input from others, and people all have different ideas on fertilizer, lights, etc. You've got some good ideas too. I took a bit if knowledge from here and there, and did nicely. From 6 plants, I harvested close to 5 ounces I guess. I just harvested my last two plants today. I'll post some pics in a minute!..... Well, maybe not. I just tried, and the site is not letting me post my pics. Hmmmm. Wonder why. I'll give it another try.
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Nice journey!
End of grow journal: time for smoke report!

Okay all,

I'll finish up this grow journal with a report of the final two plants, and a quick smoke report, but not on the long form. I'm unable to post pics after having posted pics this whole time, so it must be a computer setting I've screwed up. Grrr. I'd like to show you pics of "The Freak" at harvest, and then my 12 one-quart jars stacked and filled. Oh well, I'll just have to tell you about it all.....

I left the last two plants until 85 days. They were both a little different plants; one was bushy, one was tall (7 or 8 feet tall I'd guess, before I snapped her top off). They were lowryder 2, but both showed different characteristics than their sisters, and matured later as well.

Anyway, I was very happy with the yield on the last two plants. The bushy one gave me 30.42 grams, and The Freak gave me 45.95 grams!:drool: None of the other plants were even close to these yields, so I'm happy.:D With my 6 plants, I got about 5 ounces. :thumbs:

So a quick smoke report--not on the usual form, but I took notes while smoking, so should be interesting. This report is on a plant I harvested for a balanced high, so it was milky with some amber.

Bag appeal was not bad, but somewhat leafy. The later-harvested plants were more dense. All plants had VERY sugary buds. The smell of the cured-for-a-month bud is odd. Not pleasant. Kind of menthol and pine, but not smelling pretty:no:.

I took 3 hits from a bong. The burning herb smelled faintly of burning leaves on an autumn day. I was told the exhale smelled like fuel.

Here's what I had in my notes I took while smoking:
It's a creeper at first. After 1 minute: buzzing/tingling in lower legs and feet. Continued to get quite a bit higher for the next 3 minutes.
Then tingling/buzzing in upper body as well.
Then for the next 35 minutes it was RACY! I'd forget to breath at times, and my heart would start pounding! It was ragged and not pleasant. If one was prone to paranoia, then this would not have been good at all. My thought was to get through the heart-pounding-racy-feeling, and once I did it was more fun.
After 35 minutes it was well-balanced and relaxing. Thought was clear and happy, time was a bit jumpy but pleasant.
After 90 minutes a bit of a couch lock feeling, but nothing that kept me from robbing the fridge.
After 100 minutes the munchies kicked in strong. I found that I like root beer floats made with vanilla ice cream and peanut butter. :D
After 150 minutes it started to set me back down to earth. I'd have moments here and there where I felt normal, but then the high would hit again.
At 180 minutes I was again functional.
I never did get tired at the end, like I often do, which was kind of nice.

What I've found is that 2 hits on a pipe, and lowryder 2 is fun, social, relaxing. Two hits on a bong, a bit more intense. However, 3 hits on a bong is too much lowryder 2 in my opinion. A year ago we really hit some with a bong, and my friend was puking, and I couldn't get off of the couch because I was concerned if I left the couch, I "might not make it back." Good times...I guess. Grins! Oh, the other day I had a hit of "The Freak." She's some buzzy stuff. Very relaxing.

So there it is, Lowryder 2 from seed to smoke. Creating this journal was a learning experience, and I've learned a great deal. Thanks for all of your help in this. It was great fun having you all follow along, and your advice was appreciated greatly!:clap:

MAX :slap: for a job well done! Congrats!
Pictures of final harvest!!

I was having upload issues with my pics, but I figures a way around it. Here's a pic of my last two plants before trimming, then trimmed, the drying of the two plants, and then a pic of this grow journal's final crop of 6 plants curing in jars. :D NOW my grow journal is done. Thanks for all of the likes and the rep slaps too!
Thanks all! It was FUN!!!


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enjoy the goodness alaskan!!!

amazing harvest and i bet youre enjoying the smoke :smokebuds:

:slap: :slap:

Thanks Herbal!!
Yep, this IS some good smoke:smokeit:
i no this is old but im doing 2 lr2s in organic soil under cfls. they r probably 8 days into it so this brings me hope. amazing journey alaskan 1...really impressed. A year and 3 months later do u still have the bud? if it was cured properly it would last u a year....

high 5 man