New Grower Low Stress Training Guide : Descriptions and Pictures

When do u decide to start flush? First signs of amber?

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No in my schedule i actually start a flush if you want to call it that way early. I chop mine with aboit 10 percent amber most of the time as well. Ill post a run down of my feed regiment here. I actually run nutes hard the first 3/4 of the plants life then the last quarter i use siol bennkes and organic nutes only so the taste is fine.

In my dealings and experimenting once the plant is developed flowers there are nutes buikt up in the leaves and soil. The siol admendmnets like RECHARGE (great product) break down the stored up nutes in the soil and the plant still feeds off them for a while after the actual feeds are stopped.

This is actually one of my last plants ill be growi g with bottled nutes. I love them and they do a great job but feeding i plants at varying stages at all times gets time consuming so i switched to GBD created Mephisto Autoflower Mix so its water only except the 1 time weekly dose of double strength recharge.
Feed schedule.

Day 1 to day 5= Roots Excellurator Gold

Day 5 to day 20 = 1ml/L - Sensi Grow A and B / B52 / Rhino Skin 2ml/L - Vodoo Juice

Day 20 to day 30 = 2ml/L - Sensi Grow A and B / cal/mag / Sensizyme / Rhino Skin 1ml/L - B52 / Liquid W-8

Day 30 to day 35 = 2ml/L - Sensi Grow A and B / cal/mag / Vodoo Juice / Rhino Skin 1ml/L Liquid W-8

Day 35 to day 40 = 2ml/L - Sensi Bloom A and B / cal/mag / Massive / Vodoo Juice / Rhino Skin 1ml/L - Liquid W-8 .5ml/L - Mammoth P

Day 40 to day 45 = 2ml/L - Sensi Bloom A and B / cal/mag / Massive / Sensizyme 1ml/L - B52 / Liquid W-8 .5ml/L - Mammoth P

Day 45 to day 55 = 2ml/L - Sensi Bloom A and B / cal/mag / Massive / Finisher 1ml/L - B52 / Liquid W-8 .5ml/ - Mammoth P

Day 55 til finish = 3ml/L Herculean Harvest each watering except DENSE days

Green Planet DENSE = 2 Grams/L applied 3 to 5 times between day 55 and chop on water only day during flush with at least 3 days between applications

RECHARGE - 1 time weekly applied at double strength from sprout til chop

SLF100 - applied with RECHARGE one time weekly at 5ml/gal from sprout til chop
When do u decide to start flush? First signs of amber?

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Heres a few links to my threads.

This is the Amare thread where i use the feed outlined above

Heres a link to the test thread of the Auto Gorilla OG x Auto Purple Amnesia

And lastly my new perpetual using Autoflower mix from Mephisto if you would like to see the amazing resukts of a water only mix. Truly a great mix created by GBD for sale on the mephisto site.
Great thread this!

Doing a Mephisto run next and have a few questions.

Is it possible for me to run 4 in 80x80 groom?

Is it better to plant the seed in the side of the pot when doing heavy lst?

Is defoliation of fan leaves no go, and when is the right time doing it to not slow growth to much?

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Yes you can do 4 in a 80x80 just dont choose the huge strains like xxl ir most of the dutvh passion.

If you want to train like i do in this thread then the middle is the best place.

I defoliate but only after they start flowering i trim a few at a time to open up the flower sites to the light.
Yes you can do 4 in a 80x80 just dont choose the huge strains like xxl ir most of the dutvh passion.

If you want to train like i do in this thread then the middle is the best place.

I defoliate but only after they start flowering i trim a few at a time to open up the flower sites to the light.
Sweet.. Im doing Double grape, hubbabubbasmelloscope, Heisenberg special and 3bears OG

Alright middle it is.

Coolies. And you strip the lower part I see.

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Yeah the lowers have the smaller buds that dont develop as well so i cut them off and let the tops grow out.