Outdoor LOL !!!!!

May 26, 2016
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NEVER doing these Lowryder 1 seeds from the breeder I chose again. These plants are a joke to say the least. Planted on 6-4-16 and all six are this size or shorter with hardly any bud at all near harvest time. All lower leaves are done for. I planted a bagseed in soil 2 weeks ago that really make these look like jokes. By the way the cups are only half cups with no bottoms so the roots are not bound. 20160803_121009.jpg
Here is the bagseed 20160729_134055.jpg
Any input ?
Different plants, different media, different environment. You can't compare. But clearly the plant in that solo cup is NOT a happy camper.

I'm thinking it's possible the seeds weren't the problem here.

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What's your opinion gardenhackle ? I welcome your input, as I am willing to take instructions.
It looks to me like the soil seems to be working well, but wherever you did to that bucket is a wreck.

So many things. Overwatering,
Nute burn (looks like some of that), ph issues,.

Why don't you explain exactly what you did? At this stage of the game, it's hard to figure out what all contributed to that disaster but it was probably not the seeds or genetics. So tell us what you used, what water, oh, nute schedule, media, watering schedule, light, etc.

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Hey...I would surf around and check out other guys grows and learn. Like garden hackle says it could be a large number of problems. The thing about all autos is the first 30 days is crazy important to grow well. If you do well in the first 30 days you will get a decent harvest.

But...man...there is vastly superior stains to lowryder
Hey...I would surf around and check out other guys grows and learn. Like garden hackle says it could be a large number of problems. The thing about all autos is the first 30 days is crazy important to grow well. If you do well in the first 30 days you will get a decent harvest.

But...man...there is vastly superior stains to lowryder

Roger that. Low Ryder isn't the end all of auto strains but the bottom line is that if you repeat everything you did with even great genetics, it would have had a similar result most likely.

To grow really good buds there are things you will have to learn and it's not just one thing that can fix you.

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Thanks for all the input. Got some beans coming and will definitely do a whole lot of research, and asking many questions along the way. Didn't think this was sooooo different from my tomatoe, etc that I grow so well. Now I know. I used all purpose soil, and added 30% perlite. I used a weak mix of Thrive after true leaves showed. Only other nute used was Jobes Organic all purpose every two weeks after. Havent used anything after buds showed.
Started reading articles on GrowWeedEasy today. Got 5 Big Band Autos in route. Havent given up. Gonna try these in greenhouse this time. Temps are over 100 during the day here.
I would not use whatever soil that is, it has a lot of wood in it. Get you some roots organic soil and either some kindsoil or GBS supersoil amendments, then you virtually cannot mess up my friend.
I bought Organic garden soil with moisture retainer today, and a couple more bags of perlite. Also bought store bought water today for the new grow. The little buds on these plants are very strong smelling like skunk. I bought a bubble ponics set up a while back, and may try to grow one in it when seeds come. Rapid Rooters are already on hand. It's suprising how technical it is to grow this, and I have no problem growing anything from roses to squash. I didn't mention that I was using water from my stocked ponds to water with. Figured the natural ferts would be beneficial. Maybe not. Well I will only use water from the store from now on.