they can actualy leave the water and survive on land

Good morning everyone!!!

they can actualy leave the water and survive on land
its been officialy unidentified lol from a lab r u maybe thinking off a snakehead???? now that's a nast nasty fish that can stay on landthat is a snakefish skinned alive.... they can actualy leave the water and survive on land
and no derek I did not use google lol
lol yeah probably but that thing was new not to long ago also lolits been officialy unidentified lol from a lab r u maybe thinking off a snakehead???? now that's a nast nasty fish that can stay on land
always new thing being found bud a lot has 2 do with ppl releasing pets ect n there breading n making new hybrids ect but some stuff is just unreal u should see some off the things we get asked about even just in the river clyde here and a lot off it is a first for every 1 that sees it , and how far the sea is coming up the rivers ect n fish r adapting 2 the new conditions its insane did u check out the sneakhead?? as far as I remember its a very aggressive salamander sort off thing but if u wanna sea a lamprey have a google of them also lol enjoylol yeah probably but that thing was new not to long ago also lol
we really have know f ing clue whats with us here...
they found like 40 new species of shit in Galapagos again recently too