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I hope it does, I never check soil pH in my outdoor stuff. If it goes outside it either likes it or it doesn't. I have two of those boxes and last year 10 little MOB clones gave me almost 2lbs
neither do I really I don't even ph my nutes.... crazy right
that's an alright yield... how big when they went to flower?
I no the bull shark can swim between sea n river no problem need 2 look up the tiger shark never heard that b4 but there is fresh water sharks though not here mind u lol
I saw that on shark week, bull sharks were spawning in the same rivers as crocodiles. The crowd put of a chemical that lets the sharks know where they are. That was the best episode
I no the bull shark can swim between sea n river no problem need 2 look up the tiger shark never heard that b4 but there is fresh water sharks though not here mind u lol
I may be mistaken but I'm sure he said tiger ,,, I know it was one that is an ocean guy... he caught it fishing and was like what the ...
but I can imagin it being a bull and him just tripping balls I don't know cause I wasn't their.
but there are these birch trees and ash trees that interbred around here somewhere.. trippy cause I noticed this years ago and all the ash trees got wiped out by this Asian bug, metallic blue/green depends on angle...
I swear the tree knew this was gonna happen
neither do I really I don't even ph my nutes.... crazy right
that's an alright yield... how big when they went to flower?
I pH my nutes now but this is the first year for outside stuff. Last year they were lucky to get nutes. I was just dragging the hose around
going away yes not fishing band practice but fishing will b involved hopefully lol just under 2 weeks n will b back but have a lot 2 do so wnt b online for a bit
You got someone watching the girls I hope, I don't have anybody i trust enough. Maybe my bro but he's not the greenest of the thumbs
I may be mistaken but I'm sure he said tiger ,,, I know it was one that is an ocean guy... he caught it fishing and was like what the ...
but I can imagin it being a bull and him just tripping balls I don't know cause I wasn't their.
but there are these birch trees and ash trees that interbred around here somewhere.. trippy cause I noticed this years ago and all the ash trees got wiped out by this Asian bug, metallic blue/green depends on angle...
I swear the tree knew this was gonna happen
find out what he was taking I gotta get me some off that stuff lol
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