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Classy wine come up to Canada and drink some classy Beers where a six a pack is a six pack 4% by volume is light beer 8% by volume is the higher end beer in Canada. Southern Ontario makes that ICE wine ever heard of it.
I dont know man..this LS fuggin me up..sittin in front of laptop gettin high like a peak drinkin wine for the need...shame on you sir!:biggrin:

I'm making pecan rubbed burgers on the grill with some organic mac n cheese... BOMB!!

SO we could do a fatmans trade..burgers for pie is thee campain add!
I see you out there Mrs @Root would you like a burger and some daaaaaabs? Or might I interest you in some fanceh wine out of a purse?

I'd Love a burger and in a red solo cup (out of a purse?)


I checked out that Phoenix vape store.
They have a Magic Dragon flavor - dragonfruit

I might try the Cinnamon Hazelnut...then I saw Whisky River, Maple Rum, Irish Cream...I could puff on whisky all day if that's what it tasted like. :rofl:
Hmmm how can I say this and keep up my classy image, YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like my kinda chick!!! I am totally goofin on ya I am sure she is a nice lady

No actually she's a self absorbed inconsiderate gold digger... But if that's your type have at it! Lol

Me personally I love down to earth REAL women that are happy with themselves the way they are instead of being injection and implant happy... But that's just me...
Hell yea 100 % pure USDA prime BEEF hell of course I will bring the Brador a Quebec beer with that shit you can keep the whiskey in the Cabinet LOL
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