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Classy wine come up to Canada and drink some classy Beers where a six a pack is a six pack 4% by volume is light beer 8% by volume is the higher end beer in Canada. Southern Ontario makes that ICE wine ever heard of it.

Right here is for wine what colorad is for weed- icewine picked at the first frosts...the best i ever drank
I'd Love a burger and in a red solo cup (out of a purse?)


I checked out that Phoenix vape store.
They have a Magic Dragon flavor - dragonfruit
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I might try the Cinnamon Hazelnut...then I saw Whisky River, Maple Rum, Irish Cream...I could puff on whisky all day if that's what it tasted like. :rofl:

Yep Wine out of a box that is shaped like a purse, you know for when you don't wanna pay full price at the Kentucky Derby

Oh and the main reason I have never gone with another vape shop is cause they get their flavors from boliva or somethin and they all taste JUST like what they say so be careful if you want the whisky it tastes like whiskey. I promise you wont be disappointed
No actually she's a self absorbed inconsiderate gold digger... But if that's your type have at it! Lol

Me personally I love down to earth REAL women that are happy with themselves the way they are instead of being injection and implant happy... But that's just me...

I like women
Right here is for wine what colorad is for weed- icewine picked at the first frosts...the best i ever drank

nah if my wine aint in a box like container it aint fanceh enough for me and my classy lady friends! hahahahah I don't drink wine at all, I don't even drink that much. The occasional bud light or 7. But I do like daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbsssssss(has anyone noticed yet?)
Eating at Buffalo Wild Wings cause it is Tuesday and that means 50 cent wings... And no cleaning up the dishes ... It is a win win and boy the mango habanero is hot today..
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