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I have read that your highest thc rates are when all your trichomes are cloudy when they are amber they lose potency..
Iam glad iam reading this. Usually i do 50% cloudy an 50% amber. Deff will be chopping when all cloudy now.

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Bud porn
This is some Grape Crinkle at 44 days old:drool::drool::drool:
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3 bear here 44 days:cheers::cheers:
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Skywalker 44 days:woohoo1::woohoo1::cooldance:
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as anyone ever chopped just the cola and let the rest finish cause it was not all cloudy

Not personally, but I've read a bunch of threads on here about staggered harvests....seems to work as advertised. lol:smoking:

Good afternoon, the way:smokeout:
I'm also a fan of terpy weed!! It might all be in my head, but terpy weed seems to help with my ailments the best!!

@Mossy knows I've been screaming this for years... Lol but not everyone hears me or wants too... Lol imo you have well over 200 + cannabinoids... In the whole bag right? THC is ALWAYS there in the highest percentage.. In Cannabis. CBD is higher in HEMP. and THC is barely there. Polar opposites.

Well the cannabinoids work synergistically with your receptors SO why are breeders REMOVING THC from strains... Grow HEMP! god it don't get it.. Hemp fields would make TONS of CBD oil. Some states are even outlawing smoking... No flowers... CBD oil only...

Its all medicine! You like I frank need my THC. Its a powerful healer especially when made into tincs, oils, etc... Not saying CBD ISN'T... its just not the same. And I strongly dislike the demonizing of THC now... Like if you REMOVE the part that gets you high its better... Well for so people getting high is instant healing. It is for me anyway...

Point is they all have their purpose. We can't synthetically duplicate what is natural. What mother nature does. We can try! As they do. But that's all just to slap a patent on something. You can't patent nature.

I've done hours and hours of research on THC.... Its just as important if not more than CBD...
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