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Everyone left but I DONT CARe, I am drunkish and I am going to finish.

........riiiing riiinng riiing me "hello" "doooooooood what in the FUCK happened?" it's Mike! For some reason all of us could not help but laughing hysterically at this point. Mike says where are yall? We tell him "Fuckin Alice in Wonderlands hotel" Mike thinkin it was funny said to his cab driver, "hahahahah they are at Alice in Wonderland's hotel by the coliseum" the driver says "Ok" and brings him STRAIGHT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO that is one friend accounted for. By this time it is 4 or 5 in the morning and we all decide sleep would be good.

There might have been incremental moments of rest for us but the morning sunshine came too soon if you ask me. So we have to check out of the hotel, because well we don't wanna stay there again. Now remember I took all of Pao's stuff including his phone, which of course had his roomates phone number in it. This would have been easy had he not had TWO roommates one of which he did NOT get along with. So I took a gamble and called the contact in his phone that was conveniently labled "roommate Jessica" and I got on the phone and tired to explain the situation, the convo went somethin like this. "Hey this is Pao's friend........ We don't know where he is and he might be in jail or the ER.............. ummmmmmm are you his "cool" roommate?" at which time she said "OH SHIT...... ummmmm yeah I am not the BITCH roommate" at this point I was so very happy to have gotten the correct roommate. So once I established this was the cool roomie I broke it DOWN to her what the deal was, and that we were still trippin in a place we didn't know. THANK GOD she ended up being one of the coolest chicks ever.......... fingers......... dabbbbbbbs budddligggghht
I am a little buzzed on budlight and daaaaaaaaabs so I am going to try and finish, I know there are some LS that will be reading this in the AM
I'm following!! Keep going!
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