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Why do you think i came in here tonight. Not too many get away with calling me out and i miss it....or wait maybe i do have a split personality who the fuck knows..

Dude I will totally be your alter ego, I will take credit for all the badass stuff you do NO problem!!!!!!!
Dude I will totally be your alter ego, I will take credit for all the badass stuff you do NO problem!!!!!!!
There is more to it than that, with the good comes the bad. There are a few things i wouldnt mind you standing in for me right now. And thats not site side thats life side :crying:
There is more to it than that, with the good comes the bad. There are a few things i wouldnt mind you standing in for me right now. And thats not site side thats life side :crying:

I am game bro whatever you need I am DOWN so that you can be here doin the gospel work
Every night... at 11pm... like clockwork. My kids go nuts!!

@derek420colorado you need to finish that story!!!! I'm dying right now :rofl:

Ok sweet as long as I have one person that wants to hear it, and especially if that person is.... a lady....... who likes box wine and red solo cups!
.......So we are all supposed to stay at Pao's house buttttttt that is not happening cause um he is how should we say incapacitated. So we all have to find a place to stay......... Story interruption I forgot to say what happened to Mike. For the sake of my fingers, he TRIPPED out and went to the hospital too, he and I got separated about 8 minutes after we have the Pao situation it sucked!

So Rob, Roop and Me leave in a taxi, now this is at the LA coliseum in SOUTH FUCKIN CENTRAL LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is Saturday night at 2:00 AM, and we have to get a hotel. I will let that sink in for a sec, south central at 2 am on a weekend. Now of course we don't think about this at the time and decide to get the first hotel we see(bad idea it turns out) so we proceed to the little guy behind the 2 inch bullet proof glass and say we need a room. He looks at the 3 suburban white guys and says "For the hour?" all of us are like WTF?????? Then say no, so he checks us in and we go to what we THINK is our room. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We walk in to what appears to be the largest man I have ever seen fornicating with a small prostitute, needless to say he wasn't happy. After getting semi chased by fuggin Shuge Knight we go back to the small hotel clerk guy and say DUUUUUUDE YOU GAVE US THE WRRRRRROONG KEEEY. His response "oh sorry we have lots of guests" or some crap.

So after all that nonsense we get the room. I don't even know how to explain this room, it first of all has a full sized fridge. Just think for a sec how many hotel rooms have you been in that had a full sized fridge?? Not many!!!! It was like the hotel owner was craig from Craigslist and had all the old furniture in LA. SO we are the three of us still trippin balls and have NO idea where two of our friends who both ate a LOT of LSD were.

The three of us start to settle in to the worlds craziest crack hotel, and the phone rings.......... my fingers hurt again...... more dabbbbbbss @ClockworkOrange
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