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I was just getting off the a two show night. Magic show first. Then 45 min break then the Rat Pack tribute show... Just after the RP show let out, round 10:45ish, I was usually one of the last out. So I'm in the sound pit shutting the gear down when I get a text from one of the magicians from the magic show, who still is a good buddy of mine, and it reads...

"hey! What you doing after the show??"

Me: "just heading home... What's good?"

"want to go to Copperfield's museum?"

Me: *insert yoinks here @Eyeoftheworld* F*CK YEAH!!

"meet me around back of the theater in 10"

So I'm like HOLY SHIT!! You guys don't know... Like I knew... This is like THE HIGHEST HONOR OF ALL in the world of magic. Some magicians that are famous world wide have died and not been invited... I mean I'm just STOKED!

So I meet him and he says "Dave's manager called me with an invite. And asked me to bring one non magician. You're it"

Now my buddy and Dave's manager are great friends from way back.. And there's little old me. Lol and the kicker.. DAVE does the tour HIMSELF.

Stand by for part 2. I need to roll one!
OK so without suspense (hehehe EoW) here's my proof before part 2 @briman here's pics!! Lol

This is the mug you get from him as one of two parts proof... I'll explain the mug next post...

Then at the very end he levitates you!! And of course a pic to prove it! He takes two! One for you and one for him he puts on his "wall of fame" and you get to sign it and leave a comment. Proof you were there!

:pass: I will smoke a little flower, you know for the lady. Funny short story, after first finding dabs people would think I didn't smoke because they would offer me a bowl and I would act all offended and say "I don't smoke that shit" people would immediately be like "Oh I am sorry" then I would ask them to do a dab. Folks would then be like "You JUSST said you didn't smoke that shit" I would politely then say "I meant flowers I am an oil man myself" most thought I was an asshole....... Til I gave em a dab lol
OK so without suspense (hehehe EoW) here's my proof before part 2 @briman here's pics!! Lol

This is the mug you get from him as one of two parts proof... I'll explain the mug next post...
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Then at the very end he levitates you!! And of course a pic to prove it! He takes two! One for you and one for him he puts on his "wall of fame" and you get to sign it and leave a comment. Proof you were there!

View attachment 598819

Bro that is some of the coolest shit ever, I am a big DC fan for sure!!!! He is such a G
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