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Well I've never been a fan. Their music does nothing for me. I know many would go WTF?! because you're SUPPOSED to worship KISS lol but I never did. Anyway working this gig that featured many various acts. Private party for a casino owner. So more like guest stars performing.... One was an acoustic set with Paul and Gene...

Here's my problem with GS... Especially as of late... When he was bashing Prince calling him a junkie and all that after his death... Stating he is clean and sober and "we used to beat up junkies..."

OK... I spent a whole HOUR dealing with him and in the 35 mins OF that hour he spent in the bathroom snorting coke with my BOSS. He's a fake ass bitch who passes judgement on others while blowing his mind in the bathroom for a half hour! I mean look at him?! Does he look CLEAN AND SOBER to you?! Lol I hate that shit. More than anything. You're not perfect dude... In any way. I don't care WHO you are.

And their set sucked. Lol The Fixx was there and they DESTROYED KISS... Lol love that name... The FIXX. fixed ol Genes' ass! Lol
Blame it on the Bud Warriors I can stick it in keep Typing it...:coffee:..give them their own Stamp..coz I reckon we'll be saying that a Lot in the coming months..



Wake up Bud Warriors.... Time to toke..View attachment 598446

that cuppa tea must be cold by now,time for a fresh one
View attachment 598447
mornin afternoon or whatever it is

Good Morning All-

Gooood Morning

Howdy, all. Welcome to the weekend!!!!!

Morning Stoners!!!:coffee2:

Both, please...just made coffee.

Goooooooooood Morning AFN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Afternoon Stoners

Good morning warriors!

amazed at how fast these grow

Oh MY DWC.. Pretty

Does a Bubba Kush Bubba Bush count @derek420colorado ?!?! Heres my DinaFem Bubba Kush thats in this months BOM im thinking i got about 1/4 Lb off her! waiting on her to come out of the paper bags as i type!
View attachment 598508 View attachment 598509View attachment 598511View attachment 598512View attachment 598513View attachment 598514 Mid Harvest Pic
View attachment 598510 MacroView attachment 598507

my two grows I got going

Flash my bush you say ? Not sure where but hey, here goes .....

I here there is a bush flashing party in here today so here is my bush

Good afternoon everyone

how us yer bush....................

Show us yer bush....................

Morning Stoners!

Some Blue Amnesia bush and some Devil Cream bush.....

Good day all.

Bush Saturday huh..

Whoa-- wish I had that much hair on me head! :vibe:

is is my Tangie

Post up the grow

Afternoon stoners!

Ohhh almost forgot... here's my bush!

Two faced in more than one way eh Reb ?

Now then, whats all this Naughty Step bizznez........You said show us yer..............and I did show one.......I mean, what is a penguin to do.
It is not as if Krug is there to share his pillow. What with with me piles etc....@Mossy, you can be a hard task master at times......well most of the time actually. In fact......

Grump, grumble....should be more clear when you say things like that....mumble, gripe.....bloody step.....over medicated penguin.....zzzzzzzz
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