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Bush Saturday huh..

:crying::crying: That is a nice stash you got there bro!!!
i can only dream to be able to accumulate something of that nature! i cant keep ahold of the stuff long enough to get a decent collection going! im always eating or smoking something
I would post it here but 2 b honest its not exactly the best idea I would off had lol when my info is pretty clear on our pages here its best 2 stay anon

Yeah..when you come on a canna website you need Nothing to connect you back to anything in Real just cannot Be Too Safe.

once the bubba is ready i will be doing a smoke report for my dina badge, then im after my short stuff badge since im doing the Super Cali Haze test grow! i just need to get some mephisto and Dutch Passion and sweet seeds!

Excellent...:d5:..I save me badge stash for you..
@epenguin WHOA DUDE, you are one gutsy bird my friend. @tripaholic88 I too make the spirit molecule but I use acacia confusa because it has ALL the tripdamines in it like 4actriptamine and 5meodmt and Ndmt and DMT in it mmmmmm. It is crazy I get it to come out like wax, looks just like the crumble in that pic. You have to be careful cause if you aren't you might get a dab that does a little more than get you stoned lol Whoa I step away for a little bit just to come back to LOTS OF BUSH. I mean it is SUYB Saturday!!!!
and i do believe that is acacia just double bagged in a old MHRB bag... and mine comes out the same.. ive also got the jungle spice! have u messed with making Changa yet?!?!?!
I'll bet that'll blast you to the moon!!:biggrin:
more like Hyperspace frank!
and i do believe that is acacia just double bagged in a old MHRB bag... and mine comes out the same.. ive also got the jungle spice! have u messed with making Changa yet?!?!?!
more like Hyperspace frank!

Yes I have extracted almost every way you can, from giant white pure DMT crystals to change and jungle spice but by far my fav is the wax. Honestly though if you like that kind of stuff(lol) you should look into 5meoDMT it is legal and you can purchase it at I have done literally as much DMT as a person can(I did a gram or so dab in a big ole dab rig) and I have drank ayahuasca and NOTHING compares to 5meoDMT. I was never the same in the most positive way I can possibly use human words to describe, do some research on peoples 5meo trips. Crazy stuff for sure, I am in to all that stuff btw
:eek1: :crying: eP!! Whoa-- wish I had that much hair on me head! :vibe: you bawdy little mon-key!!

>> @Eyeoftheworld -- I forgot to tell you to go check out the Mephisto Artisanal intro thread.... there's some great info there about Mitch's thinking during selection during the breeding process! very rarely do we get to see such a nice summary of the selection process through F generations :thumbsup:
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