Off to the grocery store to procure meat for smoking!! Talk to all you pot heads later!~!

Im sure it would,and im sure you could,that someday may get here but not today...hell i cant even make time for another shroom boom...Wellllllllll @budelee what if I were to tell you I could set you up with that ole DWCer and can PROMISE you that you will find it easier than advertised and with a good system in place(I.E. the regimented stuff you do, not necessarily the equipment per se) LOTS of folks find it easier than the mud or coco! Oh and not to mention giving you the best shot at the ole pounder plant badge lol
Im sure it would,and im sure you could,that someday may get here but not today...hell i cant even make time for another shroom boom...
Thank you very much.In a big enough pot three days may work while the plants are small but more waterings= better performance
Good morning dudeski thanks for the interest,im might fu** up but i wont get discouraged,all info will be true and posted for the benefit of the community
Haha,id put my money on a DP( there you go again) seed for a first attempt..they dont die,they just dontput water and air in the bucket then add nutes lol I have faith that if you are growing in soil right now you could take the next bean you are going to drop and put it in a DWC bucket instead of coco [HASHTAG]#justsayin[/HASHTAG] you wont be sorry!
Which strain are these beauties?amazed at how fast these grow its amazing actually wee update pic a lot of growth in a few days View attachment 598495 View attachment 598496 View attachment 598497 View attachment 598498 View attachment 598499 View attachment 598500 View attachment 598501