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I have very briefly looked around in the breeders section. Right after I joined, and didn't understand anything!! I have the basic concept down now though. I should probably go back and take another look!
:biggrin: Thanks Eyes', wish you could smell and taste too, why I don't want them to fade away,... MOB pheno's pretty close, my nose gets major berry from both, but the green had a note of incense, while purp's had pineapple,...other noses get licorice from this one,... :rofl: that purp' had such trichomes, the concord grape color got refracted away some by them in pics! ....I'll scare up a live plant pic,... 002.JPG 004.JPG
WOW!!! That's freaking amazing! It's about 7' tall right? ... I want to try so many things, but am making myself finish (hopefully) this first grow before I start playing with anything else!
A drunken man walks into a biker bar, sits down at the bar and orders a drink. Looking around, he sees three men sitting at a corner table. He gets up, staggers to the table, leans over, looks the biggest, meanest, biker in the face and says: "I went by your grandma's house today and I saw her in the hallway buck naked. Man, she is one fine looking woman!"
The biker looks at him and doesn't say a word. His buddies are confused, because he is one bad biker and would fight at the drop of a hat.
The drunk leans on the table again and says: "I got it on with your grandma and she is good, the best I ever had!"
The biker's buddies are starting to get really mad but the biker still says nothing.
The drunk leans on the table one more time and says, "I'll tell you something else, boy, your grandma liked it!"
At this point the biker stands up, takes the drunk by the shoulders looks him square in the eyes and says,
"Grandpa,....... Go home, you're drunk.
...LOL! No, both were in 5gal fabric pots,.. stealth reasons, but I surely wish they were bigger! There were about 4+' or so,...

:doh: :biggrin:...oh man, tell me about it! My stain woody-list is pages long now,...:help: and I still window shop all the time-:nono: Self torture, don't you know! :rofl: ... makes me wish I had the climate and time, for some more landrace type strains, tropicals,... though Old World middle east-asian Indi's tempt me badly too! Check Out World of Seeds, and Mandala, they have some damn interesting Olde strains from motherlands,... and kept them very true to their heritage in breeding,... My good brother Astro' had this Dragon Bitch Queen, from Mandala, called Purple Paro Valley-- a nice colored Sativa from and area much more known for Indica's (Nepal-?)... he chopped, shaped, bent and wrestled with her in that tent for months- :crying: Oh, how I laughed! PPV can become a tree if given the right conditions,...he was undeterred,... :haha: :growing:
Good Morning AFN Stoner..Mossy here with the CannaZone news and views..on this bright and breezy Saturday Morning..

CET Time is 11.36..temps are a shocking 38.8 C already..with a blustery cool wind to cool it all down and 55% humidity..Auto forecast is Good..but watch the watering..high wind cause dehydration..Fast.

Blustery wind are great for the Orgy pot and the males get their mating Wiggle on.. :vibe:

Eyeofthe world..since you are so Helpful to everyone else in LS..:bighug:..let me Share a little something with you that will put Breeding into context for you..coz I Bet you do this every time you Look at your Children..without realising.

Mossy KISS on Traits..crosses and dominances..without the need for a Degree in Botany...:d5:

If you have a Tall White Afghan Father with a big nose..and a squat wide bottomed Kush mom with purple hair..and they have children..

If the children come out as tall rangey afghans with Pink hair..that is showing a lot of Father traits..this child would be an Afghan Dominant cross..with a smattering of the mother in the hair colour..

If the children come out squat..wide bottomed with a big Nose..they are Kush dominant..with a nod to the father on the Nose.

If the children come out tall..fat bottomed..purpled haired with a big nose..that is an equal cross...they show shared trait with both the parents equally. Neither dominate.

Trait Spotting and Dominance Really is as Simple as probably do it every day thinking..hmm..that son got his daddies eyes..or my smile..or granddads ears..humans do it automatically to each other..breeding is just Transferring it to plants.

If you are Talking making your own cross for a bit of Fun or to tailor in a personal cross for meds..we could teach you to do less than a year..SIMPLY...with a 2 ft square orgy pot.

@Mossy I just want you to know I appreciate all you do and how you and the rest of the mods treat us here .. Your an amazing person and I hope to shake your hand someday.. Hope you have a great weekend yourself and thank you for the rep.. Heck I would smoke one with you if I ever met you .. And you know I do not smoke..

Cheers Ripper..:pass:..there you go..
Thanks..and thank you everyone else that send messages of know I can't reply on my wall..but I Do appreciate all the support.
You know when they say Birds of a Feather flock together..?
Well..I just try in my own little way to make everyone have Fun and feel Appreciated on site.
You crew..are here because that is what You do are all Mossy have been Live Stoner Assimilated.. get it..when a Lot of Like minded people get together and Gel together like this Team has..we ALL Enjoy the Magnifies the Effect.
So..Blame it on the Bud Warriors..:bravo:..we are all part of the Team

when you put the two together humans can create heal each other with love..

ALSO Thank you Mossy and CREW FOR letting me partake of the massive WEED takeover, to be able to share my thoughts an stuff .

Thanks rebel and mossy for reputation points love you guys

and have managed to pick up on some stuff, but as soon as y'all start talking about it, I have to confess I feel like a moron.
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