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Good morning all.. Hope your all medicated.. Sad times here in the states with the things happening.. Wish everyone in the country would just smoke one and live and let live..

You aint lyin man, shit is sad. That is why I put my headphones in this morning and wanted to try and put some positive vibes out before everyone gets up and gets inundated with the sadness that is constantly plaguing the mainstream media these days. I am not turning on the TV all day if I can help it. Becauuusssee "I got that FIYA FIYA FIYA and I am going to let it BURN BURN BURN" speakin of medicated it is Definitely a Hash Banger type of day!!

@Mossy I am going to try really hard to do this every Friday if possible! Love you Aunty M!!!!!!!!!!

Thank You Derek..I Love it..:bravo:..Thank you.

If you bring Me the 4 Best contributing people you have seen on site..2 members..2 staff..I'll give them the You are a Star Badge.
I'll let You be responsible for the Selection.
read the comments m8 its obviously sarcastic still now new 2 afn no new member ect lol jst saying (sarcasticly) americans take shit 2 serious lol
You keep saying Americans this and Americans that.. Seems you have an issue with us..
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