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how do I change this under my name like atm it says high as a hippies cat? was told can change in profile but canot see this setting anywhere
Morning @Mossy POETS day is always good,i have a team that needs more attention than my plants..woe is me,i cant send em down the road...glorified babysitter,they almost drive me to drink,almost!!!

budelee..send them straight to my Office.
@Northern Grower Gifted me a brand new BW's has BW's picked out in half inch studs on both sides..and it is all nice and shiney..coz it hasn't got any blood on it..Yet..

Just send them on down..

That's not a nice way to talk about us Bud Warriors


Alllllllllllll most


I am working on my Fantastic Folks Friday report, who will it be today?

Oh That Sounds Interesting Derek..:thumbsup:

Not Facebook... Gawd...

'Fraid FaBo.
Bad Mojo..from LEO.
Pirates..not boatin
just floatin
in the ether.
Bad mojo.
Instagram and Twitter
Okay though.

G's mossy had a mork and mindy moment there

Mork calling Orson...Come in Orson...

Also if @Mossy doles out info most do it without asking any questions as she is the one who must be obeyed lol

Derek...would you like to come 'round and Talk to my hubby...? know you can be persuasive..

So guys.... Did ya hear about Mitch ?
Who leaked that one... Whatta ass

I had to check it wasn't me...I Thought we were publicising though..?

I heard all about it and I am going to be literally posting it everywhere I can think is applicable lol I am realllllllly excited about this one!

No Mo is not a flightless bird hahahahaha

But I hear he is getting very Old soon..around August..:crying:
Welllll Folks another work week has passed us and become the pages of history. But that brings a new day and a new WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!

So Friday does bring us to a new edition of Fantastic Folks Friday, my weekly tribute to the Staff and the folks that make AFN go! THIS week we have up some of my favorite people period. @epenguin @Trapper @The Elvis @stepside All of you are some of the finest gentleman on the planet!

@epenguin Where to start with a flightless bird that has a tuna addiction??? Oh how bout being one of the most badasses there are round these parts. I mean what doesn't he do lol From back end techy stuff to doing the best staff interviews EVER!!!!!!!! Or we could talk about the fact that he is not too shabby in the garden(insert Bush pic Here, yes Sr. Pengy we want to see your bush!) He has been there to help me out on more than one occasion and for that @epenguin THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!

@Trapper- Trap is one of the very first people to stop by my first grow log here and was so helpful and always there to tell me I was doing a good job(even when I wasn't lol) a kinder gentler person I don't think can be found here on AFN. Along with being one of the smartest folks here in my opinion he has a way of explaining things that are so easy to understand and grasp. When stuff needs to get done Trapper always seems to be there to help, @Trapper THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!!!

@The Elvis Also one of the very first people to stop by my humble(in no way was my first grow humble hahahaha) grow and offer great words of encouragement. He was literally there ever step of the way. As The King he represents what we all want to be here at AFN Nice, FUNNY AS FUQQQQ, humble, smart and HAPPY! IF everyone in the world was like The King........ we would all be really high lmao!!!! But seriously @The Elvis THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!!!

@stepside well I mean how do you talk about the guy with the most rep on the site? Step you are just cool as a cast iron toilet in Canada my brudda! I find myself probably liking more of your posts and threads than anyone else(and now that I think about it who I have given the most rep too, hmmmmmm I am on to you now lol) that is probably because you are also really funny and oh BTdubs you are the BUSH MASTER! When there is a picture of bush that needs to be flaunted Step is right there with a freshie! No doubt wicked cool and for everything you do round these parts and in life @stepside THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!!!!!!!!!!!!

So for some tunenage here is some Weekend for ya "when I am fucked up that's the real mme!!"

@Mossy I am going to try really hard to do this every Friday if possible! Love you Aunty M!!!!!!!!!!
Good morning all.. Hope your all medicated.. Sad times here in the states with the things happening.. Wish everyone in the country would just smoke one and live and let live..
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