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some morning bush from the greenhouse: six shooter, au, afghani mag
@PlatinumLEDTom you can skip the wordiness for my questions. I'm at work and ain't got time for the marketing mambo jumbo.

Just a simple PPF output of each unit will be fine for me.

What's happening Atulip? I have a joke for ya. "What's the difference between a grow lighting salesman and a used car salesman? ......A used car salesman knows when he is lying!" :crying:

Sound like you'd probably kick my ass in a lighting science conversation, but I do know enough to be dangerous. To be honest I don't have the total PPF output of each of our panels, but I wish I did. I've always thought the PPFD or number of photons hitting the plant canopy at different heights would be the most important information to know, when it comes to PAR. I guess for truly understanding umol/j you do need to have the PPF. I will ask the owner if our factory has an integrated sphere and we could provide that data to us. You're the first person that actually has asked me for the PPF of each panel. I don't have the LM-70 on the panels either, nobody has requested that from us either until now.

Someone mentioned you were a DIY guy and an expert in COB lighting. I actually ran some tests about a year ago for Johnson Grow Lights. I was setting up a beta test site at a knoxville hydro store. They handed me one of the JGL COB fixture and wanted me to run a Spectrum test on the fixture. First things first, the panel had really good PAR readings 1000 umols+ at 24" and a really full spectrum. It was funny because there was a really high spike in the 400 nm range. Here is an image of the spectrum:

All in all, COB are pretty decent grow lights. My understanding is the only major problem is the wasted energy in the 510 to 580 nm range. There is quite a bit of debate about the Action Spectrum vs Absorption Spectrum. I've read that, while plants do need green light from the 510 to 580 nm range for different pigments used in photosynthesis, just not in great quantities. Clones and seedlings grow much better under the action spectrum where the light is more white. When they move to the veg stages their needs for the green or white light goes way down and their need for blue light goes way up. Likewise when they move into flowering their needs for red light goes way up. In short, baby plants love Action Spectrum and adolescent and adult plants love absorption spectrum. I would love to get your thoughts on action vs absorption spectrum as well.

Platinum is open to new technology and producing the best LED panel we can. I think a combination of COB and targeted LED diodes may be worth looking into.

You are correct there is a ton of misinformation out there especially in the LED market. People don't seem to truly understand the difference between PPF or PPFD either. PAR really just is part of the equation for growing good plants. Great PAR + Great Spectrum = Happy Plants.

Platinum LED does have thousands of very happy customers with successful grows under their belts so it all comes down to results in the end. I think we have some of the best quality lights for the price around. Our 5 year warranty, plus 90 guarantee and great customer service ain't too bad either!

I apologize for the wordy response. I know you are working. We are all just trying to get by. I wish you best of luck with your DIY panels and your future grows and I'd love to see your results.

Cheers, tom
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