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I'm not going to lie to you @PlatinumLEDTom, I have only looked at the 1000w replacement you suggested. Not because I don't like your lights but I'm really not in the market right now. That being said how many different models does Platinum have?
We have 6 in the p-Series (12 band spectrum using 3w Bridgelux Diodes):
p150, p300, p450, p600, p900, p1200

And 2 in the XML2 Series (12 band spectrum using 3w Bridgelux Diodes and 10w CREE XM-L2 Diodes):
p4-xml2, p9-xml2
Dj tommy tesla in the studio!!!!

Hi @PlatinumLEDTom .i dont have any questions ready ddue to my field work,but i just wanted to say Thank You for taking the time to do the interview and answer the questions for our community.We do hope you are a rerurn guest because we will always have a spot for you..Peace...budelee USA
Thanks for the question @Bailey!

To be honest I at one time had drunken the cool aide and thought that HID technology was the only real lighting for growing cannabis, but in reality different grow lighting technologies are good for different applications. Dual Ended Technology like Gavita I think is pretty much the industry standard for very large commercial grows, but not ideal for tent or smaller grows. The economics just work out differently depending on the environment.

Here are few quick bullet points on the benefits of LED over HID:
  • You can target the spectrum of LED better than HID, wasting less energy in nm ranges that the plant doesn't need in great quantities.
  • LED run much cooler than HID, leading to a whole host of benefits ( can be mounted closer to the plant canopy, less HVAC energy costs)
  • Longer life (50k to 100k hours with LED, 6-12K hours on HPS lamps)
  • More PAR for less energy. Our p900 is a 1000w HPS replacement. Average input wattage for a 1000w would be around 1030, and the input wattage of our p900 is 515w with VEG and BLOOM on.
In the end it comes down to results! You can grow great bud with lots of different lighting technologies. Choose your own adventure my friend!
Thanks I appreciate the feedback I'm most definitely going to give leds a go in the near future thanks
Hi @PlatinumLEDTom .i dont have any questions ready due to my field work,but i just wanted to say Thank You for taking the time to do the interview and answer the questions for our community.We do hope you are a return guest because we will always have a spot for you..Peace...budelee USA
One Love @budelee
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