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@PlatinumLEDTom with many people looking at watts at the wall these days are you guys looking at making any lights using Cree COB's?

Platinum is open to new technology and producing the best LED panel we can. I think a combination of COB and targeted LED diodes may be worth looking into.
It can, it can also cause sunburn. We recommend LED glasses.

So do We..

So I'm new to leds.. Like you just slapped my ass and I'm screaming my first scream,new lol (how's that for a visual? Eh?) now I'm aware of possible bleaching if to close... They draw more cal/mag out as well.. Is this during veg or bloom? Or both? And from the looks of MW they draw something else out too...

What else should I be aware of as a first time led grower?

Afternoon Bud Warriors!!

Whats happening @Rebel. I too have seen problems with bleaching if the panel is too close to the plant. Best thing to do is if you see any stress whatsoever with the plant is to move it farther away from the canopy and gradually move it closer. We do have our recommended mounting distances of 24" for veg and 18" for bloom, but depending on the nutrients used, growing method, strain, mood, etc... of the plant, you may need to make some adjustments.
Alright ladies and gentleman. I got to call it quits for today. It was a pleasure speaking with you all and fielding your questions. I hope my answers were helpful. We can't thank the AFN admin team and members enough for the warm reception we have received since joining. AFN truly is a fair and honest platform. I will make sure to check in on a daily basis to answer any questions that will come up.

Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance. Keep on growing the dream my friends!


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