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Slabbington the space sloth says its time to do a DAB! I love this little dude
I am going to order this hat today
hmmm so what 2 do get rid n get my critical plus dinafem in and the other heavyweight fast n vast perhaps

Yep if you have no way to flower them, or you could just get a big ass pot and transplant them and let them veg for a couple months. Or try cloning them to keep the genes alive and just basically start them over now and by the time the autos are fnishing you can switch them to 12/12
Mo,heres the last bit if reality concerning most west african countries..the president owns the military and prolly the guerilla fighters..the people cant have a revolution with no hands which is what happened in the early 2000s when the peoples hand were cut off so they couldnt vote for a new president....
Give a hand to west Africa everyone....
Too soon?

Maybe testing these out on cannabis for the manufacturer? :smoking:

Allllllll Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrightt that's what I'm talking about, must be German

We should start a club! At one point we were gonna move into the closet and let the plants have the house... When I get the led up ill have around 32 *high five* its never enough... And we don't even sell! All personal baby!

Funniest ish I read yesterday!!

Hey everybody, new here. Sent by @derek420colorado. Have my first grow 7days in!
Choice welcome... And smooth Derek... Very smooth, Dabaholics !! Dab time!!!!

Rock chalk Jayhawks
Wiggins is a class act ! The whole family, I had the pleasure of conversing with the dad and he
Is a class act.. Very well presented.. I dunno how to word it.

How you doin? You said the champ is here?? I ain't seen @budelee yet
Shhhh we gotta heckle him abit before we go....
Shout out to budelee the champ!!!
Bringing home the Bom Pom to the squad...
It's amazing cause j let my missus vote.... She picked trapper I see... No vote stacking needed
Bud Warriors 4 life!!!!
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