Hey PotGuyVer
For every 1000 rep points you get you are eligible for a Fat kitty badge.
So far we have Fat kitty badges for 1K to 10K, they are only available in Live Stoners!
Not all Kitties are cats some are dogs and coming this weekend is the long awaited and much coveted "Fat Beaver" badge, which is the source of much mirth and humor XD
Run your cursor over my badges under my avatar and you will see what each badge is and one of them is a Fat Beaver (A sneak peek for all beaver lovers)!
Shout out in Live Stoners for your 1K badge @Mossy
BTW some kind soul bumped you to 1000 rep points so you can now claim your first Kitty.and remember "You aint seen me...right"!
Thanks for the info and the bump @arty zan just for that, u get a private show.