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The strawberry full moon makes this summer solstice a super rare thing

This year the heavenly bodies seem to have conspired to sweeten the pot with an event we haven’t seen in 70 years.

The summer solstice isn’t a rare event, a full moon even less so. But they’re both special, and when they just so happen to occur on the same day, as they will this year? That’s once-in-a-lifetime special.

The 2016 North American summer solstice happens on June 20, 2016 at 6:34 PM EDT. That’s the very moment when, essentially, the sun stands still at its northernmost point as seen from Earth. Its zenith doesn’t yearn north or south, but waits patiently at the Tropic of Cancer before switching directions and heading south again. This is where the word solstice comes from; the Latin solstitium, from sol (sun) and stitium (to stop).

It’s the day of the year with the most sunlight, the grand dame of long summer days. Even though technically it is only the first day of summer, it may actually be the best one of all. In New York City, we will have a whopping 15.05 hours of daytime. (You can check your day length at the Farmer’s Almanac sunrise and sunset calculator, if you’re so inclined.)

The summer solstice alone is iconic enough. It’s a day with a time-honored history rife with pagan celebrations and all things Stonehenge. But this year we get the big beautiful bonus of a full moon, which hits its peak on the same day. This hasn’t happened in 70 years.

“Having a full moon land smack on the solstice is a truly rare event,” says Farmer’s Almanac astronomer Bob Berman. “We probably won’t push people off pyramids like the Mayans did, but Slooh [a live-streaming global network of telescopes] will very much celebrate this extraordinary day of light with fascinating factoids and amazing live telescope feeds.” (See below.)

Meanwhile, adding a touch of poetry to the whole shebang, the June moon was known as the Strawberry Moon to early Native American tribes, who measured time by things like the moon, rather than a grid on a piece of paper or an electronic device. The full moon that happened now marked the season of strawberries – as it still does. More and more people have started harkening back to these more-seasonal full moon names; it's an especially lovely practice.

(Read more about the full moons here: Full moon names and what they mean.)

Meanwhile, Slooh along with the Farmer's Almanac will have a live broadcast of the summer solstice/strawberry moon one-two punch from their flagship observatory at the Institute of Astrophysics in the Canary Islands. You can view it here … or better yet, go outside, gaze up and pay homage to the heavens above.

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interesting... I will find something to rebuttal? Basicly on our calendar
So I heard there's poetry tonight or something? I know lots of poems about a guy from Nantucket lol! Jk jk.

It also reminded me that Pagan Poetry is a Bjork song!

Don't ask how I know that, I may or may not have the entire Bjork discography lol. Hey I'm just trying to stay fully cultured haha!

As for some nice verse, well I could quote some Sun Tzu from the Art of War! :amazon::amazon::amazon:
The battles in war are entirely won and lost in the minds of the generals, before the fighting even begins. But the greatest battle is the battle never fought; the victory achieved without striking a single sword.
... Okay that's paraphrased a bit lol
:hothot:I've noticed only certain mods can see my smoke signals..:hothot:
I'll use my inner dragon next time for ya
I burst out laughing after I read mossy ask if you ever tryed to roll half way threw a trim job... Worst
interesting... I will find something to rebuttal? Basicly on our calendar
Here's a snippet from MOhawkNationNews
The guy playing guitar in yesterday's video writes for them also...
MNN. January 1, 2014. The natural calendar was usurpt and replaced with a corporate artificial one! Our calendar tied us our mother earth in the natural cycles of 13 moons and 28 days. To perfect the “divide and conquer” strategy, the Vatican had to first separate the people from natural time. In 1634 the new world order began. Natural thinking and the earth had to be enslaved mentally and physically.

Pope Greg: “We can steal anything, even time!”

To take away people’s freedom Pope Gregory decreed the implementation of the Gregorian Calendar that we are all using to this day. This calendar was imposed upon every person in the world to take us off natural time. Artificial schedules were created for sleeping, eating, working, taking holidays, paying taxes, etc.

In Latin sol is the sun and sistere is “to stand still”. The seasonal movement of the Sun’s path comes to a stop before reversing direction. In the North the summer solstice is when the sun appears at the highest point in the sky from June 17th to 24th. On the 25th it goes down one degree and continue down until it reaches it lowest point on December 17th. The sun stands still for eight days [solstice]. On December 25th it rises one degree to signal the beginning of the new year in natural time. The solstice is a phenomenon that occurs twice per year when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky and will stay there for eight days before reversing direction.

We won’t be free until we return to natural time. The dissolution of “owistah”, a disease of the mind, will happen soon after the return to the natural calendar. The Christian calendar is the rope around our necks. It’s meant to rape and pillage our mother earth while we are so disconnected we don’t even notice.

Good for the rest of the world that the Indigenous have maintained our ceremonies based on the natural timetable. May all of us have a good ride on this next spin of our Mother Earth.

Jimi Hendrix is saying the time will come soon when we will hear all living plants and animals on earth again. “Oh, remember the blue-birds and the honey bees/They used to sing for the sunshine/Yes they used to sing for the honey, baby/They used to sing so sweet/But a since my baby left me they ain’t sang a tune all day” Jimi Hendrix. “Remember”.

K not the info I was looking for to elaborate! Not rebuttal... But still a read none the less, I'll speak with my uncle on this if need be , but the first calendar ever we devised used a turtle shell believe it or not, apparently the ammount of big and small square on back were moons and days and stomach could be months or seasons I guess .. I'll get more Info and make a tutorial.. maybe ..
Time for tea and smoking...
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