Wow, I figured out something last night... I smoke a lot of pot when I trim.
Have you ever got half way through a trim and tried to roll a joint...?..

..Almost Impossible..
Mossy put that complex to bed, I come and go with the demands of life, nothing more or less. Come give Arty a big hug and share a smoke with me

I was online all day Friday which was a busy, busy day in Live Stoners but meant I had to work all day Saturday due to my Friday skiving and I've been working today too.
Glad you are feeling better..
Friday Live stoners had 246 posts in one day and a further 121 post after I went to bed due to Elvis and the gang having a rave up, no wonder Saturday morning seemed so slow here.
It is manic..

..I can't keep up..
I have also been working on my PC server micro grow cab which is 100% DIY and includes a DIY COB grow light, a DIY micro carbon filter as well as the attendant parts of the cab itself.
I Hope you are making me a Tutorial on it..

..I'll give you kitty rep..
I should be around a bit more now I've dealt with my chores and I'm only a PM away if you ever want a natter
This little lady is "Amnesia Stone99" who I have great hopes for and who has a great genetic lineage all I have to do now is is make sure she doesn't get to big for her boots,
Fingers crossed she is small but perfectly formed..
Have a nice sunday you all. Kids and wife are out of the house so time to listen to some great reggae vibes take a spliff and enjoy the life.
Sounds perfect to me tobe..
I shall be going to one of our local stone circles for summer solstice (we have a fair few around my part of the country including Stone Henge) along with a huge amount of Barrows and Long Barrows as well as Glastonbury Tor, SW UK is a mecca for hippies and alternate folk.:smoking:
There will also be a "Strawberry Moon" on solstice night
I try to keep in mind how I was at his age .... which only worries me more!
There is a formula for this.
You Think about the Worst things that you did when you were a teenager that your parents Never found out about..expect it 2 year Earlier and 30% Worse..and you won't go too far wrong..

..smoke'll Live through it..

That's why I Miss you when you aren't around...
The locals around my way have also done me the honor of carving my likeness out of the chalk hillside near by
Damn..I Thought it was your Nose that got Bigger when you told porkie pies....
hey a guy can dream can't he?
Gotta have a Dream..
My computer has been fixed where I can't even see any naughty pictures , let alone try and post them,
Oh Need4Weed you have been Fixed..?..who would be a cat..
1 ) a selfie is impossible because I don't have a large enough mirror ... 2) I can't ask my kid, after just grounding him for porn to take a nudity pic of his old man, (he already thinks I'm weird enough) ....

You dance around the sun setting naked..I want a photo of your Sunset..or Sunrise..I don't want a photo of You naked...

..I'll get Sacked..
SoH nearly fainted when he saw the naked mud wrestling 2 weekends ago..
3) and because I'm such a badge whole, I am willing to post a pic of my hairy left nipple, (it's my biggest one), but I don't want to be banned from what would certainly be a community outcry!! What's a badge whore to do?
Iv request my 5000+ kitty badge three times now come on peeps 2 days n no reply aaaaahhhh
Cough cough..who's an impatient boy...?'ll be getting a trip to Aunties Office..
Got sorted I believe ... YA go DUGGY!
You were Lucky you got our psychic Mod..

..I was going to have to ask for a Link..
There is just something so soothing about pictures like this...
And check out this lady's art skills:
fusti..we said no Real photos...everybody will know that is me..the purple dress is a dead give away..
I can feel a Wiggle coming on....
Thanks bud .. It was not a bad event.. I would suggest never going to one without your recommendation in hand cause you can not get into the main part without it. And if you forget it the have a dr there you can buy a new one from.. In everything I read online about going to this I do not remember them saying to bring it or that you needed to bring it... I guess it is common knowledge.
Well All of us know now that you have you Taught us something Ripper..cheers..
I was always told the same, and like you I found the opposite was true in my situation.
Me had me Nuts at the start of my medicating..people were recommending the Wrong crosses...
I've got one indie pheno I've been working with for a while that is 100% fresh ground roasted coffee beans.... no cream involved.
If running only those no filtration would be needed, except then everyone would be stopping by for a cup.
Ha Yeah..I'm still working on making one that smells of Roses..
OG / Kush / sledgehammer to the head sleep indeed !
See the guy in the middle right, dark coat, glasses, who keeps looking back.........I swear that's me in 1981 ish......Honestly.........this is frickin scarey !!!!!
Get away..that guy is far to Tall to be a penguin..
Looks like the official name is
Tribulus Terrestris
Are you sure that wasn't an alien life form on the Original Star Trek......something about the Trouble with Tribbles...?