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Curses, foiled again by the brainy bird in a tuxedo.....


But on a lighter note, check out the cool new gear I picked up for my grow room




Too slow...try this "universal key". *insert evil grin*


Oh yes, gentle persuasion..... I have one of those as well in case I encounter chains, or piles of furniture, or an army of Gnomes blocking a door.

But here I am always polite and courtious.

I always lock up when I leave and I even wipe down and dust the doorknob as I wouldn't want to tarnish the nice brass with my dirty fingerprints.

Don't you just love it when you need to buy jars? Just picked up a couple of half-gallon jars with chalkboard stuff on them to write on, and an Italian 72oz locking lid job. What's left of my Chemdogging deserves better than a pasta sauce jar, and I would rather not have all my fluffntrim in a big pickle jar.

Good Sunday Morning AFN family. It rained all night here. Good for my mater plants.:jump: I was sitting here in my rocker on the front porch just after dawn this morning. Roscoe was laying across my feet, his fat belly keeping my toes warm. The fog was thick, visibility maybe 50 yds. Not a vehicle to be heard, no one else up, just the birds singing, me silently smoking a number, and Roscoe farting. :gassy1: Suddenly I see a flash of white on the right. Appearing out of the mist and across the front yard is a herd of deer. Nine in all not 100 ft away. Doing the Walmart shuffle as they ambled across the yard quietly munching on my clover. Within five minutes they had grazed their way across the driveway only to disappear back into the mist. I never moved. They never looked my direction. Roscoe slept through the entire ordeal.

There is nothing more peaceful than nature. Life doesn't get any better. :vibe:

Smoke em if ya got em.:shooty:
that's cool Rifleman, ha ha Roscoe missed out big time
Don't you just love it when you need to buy jars? Just picked up a couple of half-gallon jars with chalkboard stuff on them to write on, and an Italian 72oz locking lid job. What's left of my Chemdogging deserves better than a pasta sauce jar, and I would rather not have all my fluffntrim in a big pickle jar.

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Are those bottom jars green or is that the bud?
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