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Take it easy bud It's gonna be 24C where I am in the SW UK and 25C in London.

In a poly tunnel that gonna be properly hot if you line in Manchester or below.

Edinburgh is gonna be 12C and Belfast 13C, so not too bad for the more Northerly parts of the UK.

Yes mate, lots of breaks and plenty of fluids is the way to go. An ice pop here and there helps too. I'm trying to do as much as I can outside so I spend as little time in there as I have to. There's more of a breeze today though so it's not as hot as yesterday. I'll try and get some pics if I remember.
Aye, the UK certainly loves a festival doesn't it? I haven't been to one for a long time, I can't really do with the crowds, but was lucky enough to see these guys last year. Just as good 20 years on

Just found my super fat toothless (not a tooth in his entire mouth) cat gumming the crap out of my Headband photo plant... had he had a few more hours, there could have been some serious damage :rofl:

Sounds like your cat lost the stomatitis battle. I've got one that has lost about half of hers and will probably lose the rest before it's done. Kitties need their meds too! Just plant him a little pot of catnip and he should leave your buds alone. Just don't make the same mistake I made. Planted a few patches around the back yard one year and turned my yard into a 9 month long kitty rave. At least 3-4 of the neighborhood cats hanging about at all times, sometimes more than 10 at night. Some really noisy nights if 1 or 2 of them was in heat. lolol

Speaking of kitties - Many thanks for the 3000 kitty badge! Now I just need the 4000 kitty badge.
Morning Stoners! Happy mothers day to all the Moms around the world!
Morning Buds..:smoker:..sharing one..literally the only one.

Yapping in here last night meant I got no rolling I've got to start now..I'm cussing..:dammit:

Happy Mothers day...:watering:

UK-ers have a very sarcastic sense of humour..but I have to be careful in the staffroom coz the US-ers Think I'm Seriously Evil to hubby..:crying:.. didn't Ask what the job was did just wanted the badge..didn't you...?...:headbang:
No I didn't ask but I figured it didn't matter I would do it no matter what...
Respect women! Do not forget that it was a woman who carried you for 9 months, breastfed you for another 6-7 months, changed your diapers, did your laundry, cleaned your room, nursed you back to health when you had the sniffles.
Ofcourse a lot of Dads do a hell of a lot (i know i do)... But I can't ignore the fact that women do so much for us that we take for granted, and the way we repay their efforts is by objectifying them. Next time you decide to stick your d.... somewhere, make sure its covered, and if its NOT; take your goddamn responsibility. Just because its the woman who gets pregnant doesnt mean You dont share the "blame". I know I did, and its tough and I was scared SHITLESS but its all worth it!! Ive never heard a singel mother regret their decision, but ive heard a lot of runaway Dads regret theirs.

nah, Dear mom and all you other mothers out there; HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! I LOVE YOU ALL! (I love all you Stoners here, no matter what gender...)
Yes mate, lots of breaks and plenty of fluids is the way to go. An ice pop here and there helps too. I'm trying to do as much as I can outside so I spend as little time in there as I have to. There's more of a breeze today though so it's not as hot as yesterday. I'll try and get some pics if I remember.
Aye, the UK certainly loves a festival doesn't it? I haven't been to one for a long time, I can't really do with the crowds, but was lucky enough to see these guys last year. Just as good 20 years on

I hear you bro, I used to be a raver/festie goer for many years, now I tend to leave it to the younger generation.
I am going to do a piece in a few weeks celebrating a particular UK event that happened 25 years ago and was a mile stone in the free party scene.Keep your eyes peeled!
It is a beautiful breeze in the garden but my strimmer has given up the ghost, so I need to go out and buy a new one.
Enjoy your day :cools:
Hey Friends, and fellow DIYers, Mossy gave me the go-ahead to link to a board that is for Home Distillers. If anyone is interested in checking into the subject it's a great place to start. It's a pretty good bunch of folks there and some real good teachers. Also an international crowd like here.
PM me if you need to know anything.
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