I've always had problems with depression and anxiety, hence my love for drugs. I have had my ups and downs throughout the years, and one of my worst downs ever was in spring 2010. I was dependant on amphetamines and alkohol, and that pretty much sums my life up at the time. However, I ran into some trouble with my dealer and he got really pissed at me, I can't recall why but he wouldnt answer my calls, and he was the only one who would spot me a fix, so instead, I went into withdrawal... As always when I was broke and out of drugs, I crawled back home to my mother to let her take care of me. This time, when I got to my mothers place, 2 days before my birthday, she was packning and getting ready to go visit my sister for a week. She told me I was welcome to stay in the house, and that there would be food in the fridge that should last me. Worth knowing by this point is that my mom lives in the middle of nowhere pretty much..
10 minutes after she had left, anxiety overwhelmed me and I had a total breakdown, feeling ever so lonely... I had about a gram of weed, and that was it! I paniked and started scavaging the house for booze, and found about 1L of wine... Damn! Thats not enough to last me a week! And I literally tore the house apart in a search for something to numb my pain. All i found was the wine...
However, I knew my mom had a plant called Angel Trumpet and I had heard it was supposed to give you a hell of a trip!! A Quick Google search gave me about 2 warnings and two trip reports, i didnt bother reading the warnings, instead I focused on the "trip reports" but i didnt read them thoroughly... i was content just knowing it does have hallucinogenic properties. Sooo... I picked about 10 leaves, boiled up some water, added the leaves, some milk and honey, and stirred it around for awhile and poured myself a large cup of Angel Trumpet Tea. I corked up the wine and poured myself a glass of it aswell, sat down in the sofa and lit my joint. I drank some wine and smoked my joint just lookin at the cup on the table infront of me, and i remember thinking, "should i really drink this?" But the junkie inside of me Said, JUST DO IT! I pinched my nose and quickly drank the whole cup, and finished off my joint and kicked my legs up on the sofa and shut my eyes......
This is where the shit hit the fan... 11AM Day 1 - two days till my birthday.
It felt as if I had fallen asleep, but I had no sense of time.. So I can't be sure if I had just shut my eyes, or if I'd actually slept for a couple hours. I was awoken by a loud noise, sounded like a hoard of people blowing in vuvuzuelas, but it was people commin in through the front door shouting HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It was my mom, my sister, her two kids, and my brother and they told me they were here to surprise me for my birthday!! And that we were gonna have a huge party! I was swept over by euforia, this was awesome! I had always DREAMT about being thrown a surprise party!! All of a sudden there were probably like 60 people there, some of my best friends at the time, but even people from my past that I hadn't met in years! Even some random people which I knew off but didnt understand what they were doing at my party... But the more the merrier, it was great fun! I walked around mingling and talking to everyone! Eventually I ran into my 2 bestfriends at the time, they were sitting outside with some of my childhood friends Rolling up and they asked me to smoke a joint with them. I told them to wait for me, and that we would have to walk away to smoke since i knew there were people at the party that wouldnt approve.. I just had to go inside and fetch my coat, but I got Held up by my systers youngest son who looked adorable wearing his grandmothers boots and gloves... by the time i got back outside they had left, and i thought WTF?! Ditching me on my birthday to smoke up without me. So i set off to find them. My mom has a pretty big piece of land, partly covered by forest but she also rents some land to a neighbor where he has his sheep.. Right in my mothers backyard.
It was pitch black at the time and i was stumhling around in my backyard trying to find them. And finally i saw them huddled up as a group smoking right next to the sheep pen.. When i was approaching them I noticed how the trees were acting strange, and it didnt take me long to figure out that the trees were UNDERCOVER COPPERS just waiting to pounce on my friends as soon as they lit up. So instead of joining them, i tried calling them over and over again, even textning them trying to get them aware of the cops surrounding them. No response, i ran back into the house which, strangely enough was empty by now but i took all my drug and stoner stuff and ran off into the Woods and left it where i could pick it up later... I sat down by a tree in the middle of the forest, its like 5am and i doze of for a bit too wake up a little later., still NO sense of time. I find my way back to the house.. I walk around wondering where everyone is. and i sit Down on my mothers porch and smoke a ciggarett and i play around with my moms cat for hours. My hands were all sore from scratches. next few hours i walk around taking pics off cool stuff around the house.. like two 'Walking sticks' humping. And all sorts of weird stuff. I spent the rest of the day and night sitting on the porch shooting targets with my soft air Gun. I still knew my family was around, all though i never saw them, I occasionaly heard them.. my moms cat came along again and for some reason I shot it with my soft air Gun..and it literally broke me to think that i hurt the cat.. but it ran off and i just wept for hours, i was sure that i had killed it. I cried for hours untill i finally decided to call my mom and tell her what i had Done. . But my phone was dead so i charged it and just a few seconds after i had turned on my phone it rang... I noticed the time on the display as i answered, 10.42 Day 3 - my birthday, It was my brother, calling to wish me a HAPPY birthday! I got pissed at him and told him off in a rude way to stop messing with me, because i had literally just heard him from the kitchen. He had no clue what i was taking about, and thats when i started realizing that i had been completely alone and that NOTHING i had experienced the past 48 hours had actually happened. None of it! Even the cat i told you about had been dead for over 5 years. And as i was having the panik attack of my life i walked around the house realizing that the things i had seen as people wasnt anything but for example a pile of pillows or a painting of a face... But i hadnt really come down from my trip cuz i didnt realise that it was in fact, a trip. I thought i was going mental.... I walked around grasping my ears with both hands shouting at things, "YOU ARENT HERE!" or just, "YOURE NOT REAL!" I finally managed to call up my girlfriend and laid on the floor just crying for hours in the phone until i finally remembered drinking that cup of f*cking Tea...............................
I had a LOT of explaining to do... Especially all those weird texts i had sent to people telling them to run, and that the cops are on to them. Without context, one of my friends freaked out and thought he was close to being busted for something else..
As i stated in the beginning, DONT TRY THIS AT HOME KIDS!
Respect the life you live! Today i have been sober for 481 days, and I have no plan on ever intoxicating myself again. Stay green my friends!